The White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships works to build bridges between the federal government and nonprofit organizations, both secular and faith-based, to better serve Americans in need. The Office advances this work through Centers in various Federal agencies. Among the principal functions of the Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships is partnering with civil society to organize more effective efforts to serve people in need across the country and around the world and optimizing the efforts of faith-based and other secular communities to do so. In addition, the Office works to ensure that policy decisions and programs throughout the Federal Government are consistent with the policy set forth in the Executive Order with respect to faith-based and other community initiatives, and to bring concerns, ideas, and policy options to leaders for assisting, strengthening, and replicating best practices and partnerships, with faith-based and other community organizations. The Office also promotes awareness among diverse civil society leaders of opportunities to partner—both financially and otherwise—with the Federal Government to serve people in need and to build an institutional capacity. GPF has served as a vocal advocate within the White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships for guaranteeing religious freedom protections in the public square and has assumed this role throughout the last three administrations in a non-partisan capacity.

Exploring the Intersection of Religious Freedom and Free Speech: Reflections from Capitol Hill
On October 17, in the historic Russell Senate Building on Capitol Hill, the First Amendment Voice...