Washington Forum Gives Insight into Migration and Sustainable Development in Central America

Global Peace Foundation
March 21, 2016

Members of the Latin American Presidential Mission met with policymakers, think tank experts, businessmen and civil society leaders at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center on March 16, 2016 to discuss social and economic issues in Central America and propose partnership across the Americas focused on innovative, values-based solutions.

The delegation included former Central American presidents Vinicio Cerezo and Alvaro Colom of Guatemala, Armando Calderon of El Salvador, Laura Chinchilla of Costa Rica, and Nicolas Ardito Barletta of Panama

The Latin American Presidential Mission is a non-partisan civic association of over twenty democratically-elected former heads of state that was established in 2012 with support from Global Peace Foundation, the Esquipulas Foundation of Guatemala, and other partners.

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