Afrika Reporter on “Africa’s former presidents to gather in Zanzibar over Peace and Security”

Global Peace Foundation
July 22, 2015

Several former African heads of state are due to meet in Zanzibar Wednesday in the two-day Global Peace Foundation (GPF) Conference to talk peace and security issues across East and Central Africa.

Former Tanzanian leader, Benjamin Mkapa, one of the attendees. Photo Credit: Afrika Reporter

Ahmed Hassan Mohamed, Irish Global Peace Youth Director told this website Tuesday the regional conference aims at discussing ways of promoting peace, security and sustainable development in the region.

Former President of Zanzibar, Amani Abeid Karume and other former leaders will deliberate ways to eradicate radicalization among the youths among other things.

Some of the leaders expected to attend the conference include Rupiah Banda and Kenneth Kaunda (Zambia), Joyce Banda (Malawi), Ali Hassan Mwinyi, Benjamin Mkapa, Amani Abeid Karume (Tanzania), Olusegun Obasanjo (Nigeria) and Sir James Mancham (Seychelles).

Global Peace Foundation (GPF) country director, Arnold Kashembe told reporters the purpose of the conference is to seek solutions to peace and security challenges in the region.

“We’re partnering with the government of Zanzibar, the East African Community (EAC) and the inter-governmental authority on development (IGAD) to make the conference a successful one,” he told a press conference.

The leaders will address topics like Al-Shabaab and Boko Haram, education and unemployment.


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