Global Peace Foundation (GPF) Kenya, in partnership with the Global Peace and Development Service Alliance and Chandaria Foundation, took a bold step forward for the environment by initiating the 1 Million Tree Planting campaign in 2021. Since then, GPF Kenya and its partners have been engaging students and community leaders in the environmental operation to promote stewardship for the well-being of their society.
The project was first launched at Starehe Girls’ Centre in Nairobi, Kenya. The Centre was conceived as a charitable national girls’ school comprised mostly of economically and socially disadvantaged girls. These young people may face many challenges, but the school aims to provide an environment that fosters leadership qualities as much as academic achievement. For this reason, GPF Kenya selected the school to inspire a generation of peacebuilders and change-makers. The environmental initiative has been just the beginning of instilling ownership in the students to make positive changes in their community.
Learn more Kenya | Global Peace Foundation