C20 participants pose in person and online.
Global Peace Foundation (GPF) Brazil was selected to co-host a session on education and culture for the C20-2024 Brazil.
The Civil20 (C20) is one of the official engagement groups of G20 that provides a platform for civil society organizations and social movements around the world to voice people’s aspirations to world leaders in G20. Since its inception in 2013, the group has grown stronger every year, ensuring that world leaders listen to the recommendations and demands of the organized civil society, looking to protect the environment and promote social and economic development, human rights, and the principle of leaving no one behind.
Under the slogan of “Building a Fair World and a Sustainable Planet,” the G20 will be held in Brazil in 2024, with the process once again being divided into three main discussion tracks: the Sherpa Track, Finance Track, and Engagement Groups. While the first two are coordinated by the host country, the Engagement Groups have a distinct coordination mechanism. Each group is further organized into sub-groups (thematic or population-based), known as “Working Groups” (WG) or “Task Forces” (FT).

Global Peace Foundation co-hosting a session at the C20 in Brazil
As part of the G20 process, the C20 plays multiple roles, including but not limited to, providing expertise and holding governments accountable to their commitments, seeking positive outcomes for society as a whole, and pushing for an effective financial means and allocation of resources to achieve those outcomes.
The C20 WGs are thematic spaces where CSOs from all over the world meet in person and/or online, to discuss and produce policy papers aimed at providing concrete recommendations and policy proposals targeting the G20. Each WG will be facilitated by two or three organizations. The co-facilitators were chosen among 461 organizations that applied to this role seeking to ensure gender, racial, and regional balance. Furthermore, the two or three organizations will equally coordinate and facilitate the activities.
GPF Brazil will continue to meet with co-facilitators and partners leading up to the G20 in Brazil to provide recommendations for peacebuilding and sustainable development to leaders around the world.
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