Unity, Peace, and Sport Festival Celebrated in Hayin Banki, Nigeria

Global Peace Foundation
June 12, 2022

Global Peace Foundation (GPF) Nigeria in its effort to reach out to communities and promote peaceful coexistence within Kaduna State Metropolis, supported the people of Hayin Banki in organizing the Sallah Unity Peace and Sport Festival  May, 2022.

The event brought together diverse groups to create the Joint Interfaith Paramilitary Youth Parade, made up of the Fitiyanul Islam First Aid Group, Jana’atu Nasril Islam First Aid Group, Boys Brigade, Royal Ambassadors and the Catholic Cadets. This collaboration was first of its kind in the history of the community. The events witnessed the presence of Yan Busa, the Gwari Cultural Troop, Sharai Cultural group and a Catholic group, all of whom displayed their cultural heritage.

A football competition was also hosted leading up to the festival. The competition lasted for 4 weeks had sixteen clubs drawn from Hayin Banki community to participate. First and second positions were rewarded with a trophy and medals. The club that came first was the Lambu Football Club and Shanwai Football Club took second place.

In his keynote address, Rev. John Joseph Hayab, the Country Director for GPF Nigeria, recognized Hayin Banki as the Center of Kaduna city and a home of peace. He advised the community to not allow politics to divide them or chose leaders based on ethnic or religious background but rather on competency.

Global Peace Foundation plans to continue participating in an annual Hayin Banki Peace event going forward.

Learn more about our peacebuilding efforts in Nigeria.

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