Global Peace Foundation (GPF) Uganda facilitated numerous activities in September and October 2023 to transform education. Ongoing programs are enhancing social cohesion and facilitating character education, civic virtue, and service among youth by teaching peacebuilding principles and skills. The principles are associated with GPF’s One Family Under God Campaign, with a vision founded on our shared humanity. Students become well-versed in recognizing the dignity and value of each person regardless of religious or ethnic background as they become equipped with the knowledge and ability to become future leaders.

Milton Kambula interviews with local news programs during a GPF Uganda training workshop.
Through the outreach efforts of GPF Uganda Ambassador Kambula Milton, the Makerere University Business School agreed to host a Transforming Education Workshop on October 30 and 31, 2023. To generate interest and communicate the objectives of this event, Ambassador Milton and teachers from demonstration schools were hosted by several media outlets during September. The participating outlets included Star Radio, Blue Radio-UBC Channel, Star Television, and UBC Television. These and other media platforms are key in expanding the program by encouraging partnerships and increasing resources to promote peacebuilding activities in Uganda.
In addition to its outreach efforts, GPF Uganda organized the Moral and Innovative Leadership Training workshop, attended by approximately 100 student peace club presidents and members on October 1. Students received instruction on core values and skills to guide them on ways to become moral community leaders who can help to create a peaceful coexistence. Students who attended the training received certificates of completion from GPF Uganda Ambassador Milton and the Principal of Kinawa Secondary School.

Students participating in GPF Uganda’s Moral and Innovative Leadership workshop.
Student peace club leaders acknowledged the practicality of the toolkits they received at the workshop in addressing challenges encountered in school and the community. Overall, the Headteachers at the demonstration schools conveyed the effectiveness of the Transforming Education Program in creating a stable and peaceful environment for students to learn. They noted that the peace clubs support a culture of caring and respectful students who promote social cohesion, good character, civic virtue, and service to others.
The program receives support from various entities that collaborate on achieving a transformative society that is inclusive and recognizes the strength of diversity across Uganda. Involved parties include teachers, parents, faith leaders, business leaders, government and non-government organizations, and others who recognize that the country’s youth hold the promise of a peaceful future. As such, they must be provided with the education, skills, and a safe learning environment to prepare them to be responsible, moral, and innovative leaders.
By building a culture of service through innovative strategies and methods, such as placing interfaith and intercultural students together in groups that foster a collaborative work environment, students learn to accept and appreciate their differences. The students in the demonstration schools will graduate with the values and skills that will foster a desire for and the means to achieve enduring peace. The sustainability of the Transforming Education Program in Uganda is evident in the continued involvement of diverse and leading businesses and organizations, teachers, family members, and other caring individuals who invest in the program and support the youth in their leadership and peacebuilding activities.
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