National University and Global Peace Foundation (GPF) Philippines reaffirmed their partnership in a signing ceremony held on January 25, 2018 at the Boardroom of National University.
Dr. Teodoro Jhocson-Ocampo, President of National University, was present during the signing ceremony. He said, “I personally support this endeavor and I hope this partnership will continue to grow because I believe that every student deserves the right to holistic learning.”

MOA signing in Philippines
The ceremony served as a platform for each institution to offer their insights about collaboration and commitment in developing a generation of highly capable and responsible young Filipinos through cooperation, research, community immersion and youth development programs. The partnership will continue to provide students with skills and opportunities to empower their communities towards sustainability and peace.
National University (NU) is a non–sectarian coeducational institution in Manila, Philippines and considered the first private nonsectarian and coeducational institution in the Philippines as well as the first university to use English as its medium of instruction, replacing Spanish.
Present in the ceremony from National University were Dr. Renato Carlos Ermita, Executive Vice President, Dr. Rachel Edita O. Roxas, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Mr. Ricardo SJ Ocampo, Dean of Students Affairs, Dr. Ria Liza Canlas, Assistant Director for Research and Ms. Cathy Lagadia, Director for Community Extension Program. Global Peace Foundation were represented by Mr. Jinsoo Kim, Regional President for Asia Pacific, Mr. Aldrin L. Nituma, Executive Director, Ms. Fahly S. Poblete, Program Development Officer and Mr. Leonard T. Faustino, Director for Youth Development.