Dr. Hyun Jin Moon’s latest book, Korean Dream: A Vision for a Unified Korea, was just released in Japanese hitting Japan’s bookstores in August.
Dr. Hyun Jin Moon, Chairman of the Global Peace Foundation, presents a cutting-edged approach to Korean Reunification that calls upon Koreans and supporters everywhere to take the process of reunification into their own hands, starting with sharing a common vision that draws upon the shared heritage and history of the Korean people.

Korean Dream: Vision for a Unified Korea
Dr. Moon writes: “I cannot speak for you but I do not want to live in or accept the reality of a divided Korea. I want to dream of a united Korea, vibrant with hope and pregnant with possibilities. I want this new Korea to set the paradigm of a new enlightened state that reflects the best of the East and West as well as the past, present and future. I call this aspiration the Korean Dream. This vision is rooted in our rich and unique past yet has the possibility to engage creatively with the modern world. It is a dream that all Koreans can share, and, if we do, together, we can turn it into reality.”
Traditional approaches to the issue have focused on geo-political perspectives and diplomatic solutions.
Korean Dream: Vision for a Unified Korea was awarded the title of “Book of the Year” in the society category at the 45th annual Korean Culture and Arts Publication Award Ceremony at the close of 2014.The book has also received high reviews from long-time scholars of Korean reunification like Park Sae Il, Honorary Professor at Seoul National University.
Copies of the book in Japanese are available through Amazon.jp at Korean Dream: A Vision for a Unified Korea.
The original version in Korean is available on Kyobok books at Korean Dream: Vision for a Unified Korea.