“Love and service is the root of making a difference in the world and it starts with you.” -Ton Nguyen
Every month Global Peace Youth USA features an outstanding young leader. Ton Nguyen, a graduate of the University of Washington and active volunteer in GPY projects in Washington state, shared with GPY-USA why moral and innovative role models are relevant and essential in today’s world.

Featured Leader Ton Nguyen with locals on mission trip to Haiti.
“Leaders in today’s society are so important to everyday life; an evolving world with mixed messages. It is hard to figure out which path is the correct way to walk. As leaders, it is important to have the ability to distinguish between the right and wrong paths. By guiding others to the right path through empowerment, service, and love, leaders leave a positive and lasting mark on those they inspire and beginning one step at a time, begin to create a lasting change in the world.”
Ton currently works as a Program Coordinator for Housing Hope, which strives to reduce homelessness and poverty in the Snohomish county of Washington state. A youth pastor for the Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement, Ton shared more about his experiences saying, “I preach about love, service, and making a difference but I also believe in practicing what you preach. Along with reaching out to the underprivileged population in my own community, I go out of my comfort zone and try to reach out globally. I have been to the country of Haiti several times and have led mission trips along the way. Through my actions, I want to show the world that one person can make a difference in the community and the world. Love and service is the root of making a difference in the world and it starts with you.”
Besides his volunteer missions to Haiti, Ton also impacts his local community through his participation on the Homeless Policy Taskforce, Point in Time Count, and Recovery Coaching.
“Be uncomfortable! Go beyond your comfort zone because that is where innovation flourishes, where achievements lie, and where true growth happens.”
GPY asked Ton what advice he would give to other young leaders.
“Be uncomfortable! Go beyond your comfort zone because that is where innovation flourishes, where achievements lie, and where true growth happens. Be your own individual in your group of friends. Be greater than what the world tells you to be. Limitation is the lack of hard work. What are your limits? How hard are you willing to work to break those limits? In order to become innovative and moral leaders, we must be able to go above and beyond what is expected of us.”
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