GPF Nigeria Forms Peace and Reconciliation Committee in Rivers State

Naomi MacMurdie
November 10, 2022

Global Peace Foundation (GPF) Nigeria inaugurated the Peace and Reconciliation Committee in the Etche Local Government Area of Rivers State, South-South Nigeria on November 9, 2022. The committee aims to further strengthen the community to work together collectively, regardless of diversity, towards mitigating communal crises and other social-related crimes such as cults, armed robbery, and kidnapping for ransom.

GPF Nigeria has been engaging diverse stakeholder groups in the area in peacebuilding, community dialogue, and outreach to enhance the security of lives and properties and fostering social cohesion among the beneficiaries. In order to sustain this peacebuilding process, GPF Nigeria formed the Peace and Reconciliation Committee which deals with crimes through sensitization and reconciliation of community members.

The Programs Manager of GPF Nigeria, Abdul Ahmed, described the Committee as “inclusive, participatory, and non-threatening social spaces that facilitate dialogue and mutual understanding, and allow for constructive problem-solving and joint action to prevent violence.” Abdul further stressed that the committee members will serve as instruments that strengthen social cohesion and the resilience of local communities, thereby contributing to the search for sustainable peace beyond the immediate local environment.

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