GPF-Nepal and Partners Establish Clean Water Source for Bharat Pokhari Community

Global Peace Foundation
February 18, 2015

“Water is the driving force of all nature.” – Leonardo de Vinci

Kholtari Drinking Supply and Sanitation Project within the Bharat Pokhair community

Over 750 million people around the world don’t have access to clean water. Everyday thousands of people lose their lives to waterborne illness. The basic necessities for human life shouldn’t be out of reach.

Global Peace Foundation Nepal in partnership with the Department of Water Supply and Sewage and generous grants from the local and national government of Nepal, established the Kholtari Drinking Supply and Sanitation Project. The water supply will provide clean water for over 1400 people in the community.

Mothers of Bharat Pokhari community at the water well site.

In addition to a source of clean and accessible water, much like wells and watering holes in various cultures, the newly established water supply is creating a common space within the Bharat Pokhari community.

By building the water well, Global Peace Foundation (GPF) is providing the foundation for continued community development with the hopes of building a resilient communities and self-reliant families. As many studies, including a recent Food and Agriculture report, the family is not only a core social unit, it is also a main economic unit.

In the Bharat Pokhari community and rural communities like it, a clean, potable source of water means mothers and children no longer have to worry about spending hours gathering water, or about contracting illness from contaminated water. Children can spend more time being healthy and happy, and focus on important things like play and education. Mothers can continue to raise their families and strengthen ties within the community.
The well is also sparking a greater sense of collective responsibility for the environment and for one another.

The community of Bharat Pokhari gather together for the inauguration of the Kholtari Drinking Supply and Sanitation Project.

Water is a natural resource for the public good and its conservation must be the responsibility of all. The Kholtari project has brought together community members and leadership from all levels of the Nepalese government in this join project. The project has become a spark for these long-term relationships and the starting point for shared efforts to develop and implement plans for the community’s development.


Like other projects and initiatives of the Global Peace Foundation, the driving vision to reach out and meet the basic needs of local communities and empower them to become self-sufficient and prosperous is that we take care of each other because we are family under God.

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