GPF Indonesia Launches 2023 Young Bridging Leaders Challenge

Isman Habibillah
December 4, 2023
A screen shot of a group of people in a video chat during the Young Bridging Leaders Challenge organized by GPF Indonesia.

YBL Indonesia 2023

The 2023 Young Bridging Leaders (YBL) Challenge is a ground-breaking international online leadership workshop with a powerful mission of raising the peacebuilding capacity of youth. This year’s theme is, “Unleashing Leadership for a Peaceful World.”

Global Peace Foundation (GPF) Indonesia, in collaboration with Asosiasi Kepala Sekolah Indonesia (AKSI), Natalie in the Light Initiative, Skillistan, and TransformationFirst.Asia will all contribute to this transformative online practicum, which commenced on Saturday, October 14, 2023.

This year, YBL welcomed 90 participants from 20 diverse and dynamic teams of young leaders from Indonesia, India, Nepal, Cambodia, and the Philippines, United as one under the banner of universal principles and shared values to foster peace and stronger youth leadership in achieving the UN SDGs. Together, these students, leaders with their school advisers as mentors, are committed to nurturing their youth leadership potential.

“I always believe that growing young leaders early in their age will greatly impact our future and the generations to come. Nowadays, it is unfortunate that most organizations would take a short cut, starting leadership training in the latter stages. Kudos to GPF Indonesia for spearheading this year’s Young Bridging Leaders Challenge, providing positive and equal opportunities to students across the world.” —Sharleen Tomobe (Program Development Coordinator, Global Peace Foundation)

The 2023 YBL cohort will continue their journey of learning, empowerment, and growth as moral and innovative young leaders for sustainable peace and an inclusive world.

Watch for the next updates on their progress until they graduate in April of 2024.

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