Global Peace Nepal Serves Bara-Parsa Storm Victims

Global Peace Foundation
April 8, 2019

At least twenty-eight people lost their lives in a storm that left hundreds more injured in the districts of Bara and Parsa in Nepal on March 31. Called to action, volunteers with Global Peace Foundation (GPF) Nepal and partner, Youth Legend Nepal, organized a fundraising campaign “Click for a Cause.” Volunteer photographer Suresh Thapa donated his time to take pictures of travelers to Boudhanath Stupa, one of the largest Buddhist shrines in the world, in exchange for a donation to victims of the storm. The photo campaign collected more than 9,500 rupees.

The funds raised will provide emergency items to families in Bara and Parsa, including hygienic products for women managing menstruation.

In addition to the fundraising campaigns conducted by passionate volunteers, GPF Nepal provided 100 solar lanterns to families in Bhalui, Bhalwariya, and Puraniya with the help of partner Sano Paila (A Little Step).

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