Global Peace Convention 2023: Indonesia Volunteer Stories

Global Peace Foundation
February 8, 2024

Two volunteers for the Global Peace Convention 2023 shared their inspiring stories when they traveled to the Philippines last December. Faliqul and Fatimatuz call Indonesia home, but their family expanded on a global level after attending the international conference that they called a transformative opportunity.


Read their stories below:

A Teacher’s Journey in Peacebuilding, Volunteering, and Inspiring Change at the Global Peace Convention 2023

By Faliqul Jannah Firdausi

A group of people sitting in front of a screen during the Global Peace Convention, sharing their Indonesia Volunteer Stories.

Faliqul Jannah Firdausi at the Global Peace Convention 2023

Being a volunteer at Global Peace Foundation (GPF) Indonesia provides opportunities to learn and experience new things. I am a dedicated mathematics teacher at Senior High School 15 in Bandung, West Java. With a profound passion for both mathematics education and community service, I have actively engaged in peacebuilding volunteer work with GPF Indonesia since 2018. My commitment extends beyond the classroom, as I believe in the transformative power of education and the positive impact it can have on fostering harmony within communities. At the end of 2023, I was invited to be a speaker at the Youth Volunteerism and Service-Learning Forum held by GPF Indonesia. I immediately seized the opportunity.

A group of volunteers posing for a photo at the Global Peace Convention in Indonesia.

Faliqul Jannah Firdausi at the Global Peace Convention 2023

I like new experiences and new challenges. The event was not only about panelist discussions about youth volunteerism, but hosted many forums and collaborative activities. The first activity I participated in was the Youth Peace Festival. This event took place at the Cuneta Astrodome in Manila. I was amazed by the speakers. Their burning enthusiasm encouraged the participants to become enthusiastic and liven up the event.

I had the opportunity to taste delicious Filipino food, which have similar names to Indonesian cuisine, such as Ubee and Lumpia. But the best part was sharing these meals with delegates from Cambodia, the Philippines, and Malaysia at the welcome dinner.

On the third day of the Convention, I spoke at the University of Makati. This was my first time publicly speaking in the field of volunteerism. I felt the enthusiasm radiate from the young leaders. They asked questions about challenges, criticism, and how to encourage young people to get involved as volunteers. In the forum, I learned how dedicated the Youth Volunteerism speakers were by sharing their good practices in the community. The types of services they provide vary, ranging from the health sector, creating volunteer platforms, collaborating with the ministry of education, to financial assistance from the private sector. We shared with each other how we resolved the obstacles we encountered in the field, such as criticism, differences in values, funds, and human resources. We discussed and we inspired each other to solve problems and find ways to create effective programs that can have a positive impact on society. I learned a lot of things that day, especially about programs I could take back and implement back home in Indonesia.

The extraordinary benefit of attending the Global Peace Convention is that we had a chance to talk about the programs we have carried out in our respective countries and inspire each other, for the sake of sustainable development goals for a better life in the future. If today’s young people are enthusiastic about improving a better quality of life in the future, have a high curiosity to learn more, have a sense of concern by volunteering in the community, and are aware of world issues, I think we can hope for a better, more peaceful and safe life for all in the future. The GPC provides an opportunity for young people to be dreamers and motivate each other, work together, and encourage each other to make a difference.

From the main plenary and roundtable discussions, to the shared meals with new friends and the Global Peace Awards Gala, I was amazed by the exchange of culture, ideas, and inspiration.

Global Peace Foundation Chairman Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon said that “the dreamers are the ones who can change the world.” I believe that this experience not only encourages us to be dreamers who hope for a more peaceful world, but also motivates delegates from various countries to have the same hope and work together to implement the values of peace in their projects.



A Transformative Experience at the Global Peace Convention 2023

By Fatimatuz Zahroh

A group of people posing for a photo at the Global Peace Convention event in Indonesia.

Fatimatuz Zahroh at the Global Peace Convention 2023

My first flight experience and going abroad was a very incredible moment. And it was all because of the Global Peace Convention of 2023. I was very excited to meet with awesome and inspiring people from around the world.

A man in a suit and a woman in a dress standing next to each other at the Global Peace Convention, sharing their Indonesia Volunteer Stories.

Fatimatuz Zahroh at the Global Peace Convention 2023

One highlight was the Youth Festival at the Cuneta Astrodome. Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon ignited the young spirits to aspire towards one family, one future, and one youth movement to shape the world together. I felt the passion and the positive energy from him. I was reminded that we as the young generation have to take ownership of world peace. I was so inspired by the young Filipino energy. Their enthusiasm rocked the astrodome.

Later, I joined other youth from various countries. It was a joyful meeting to introduce ourselves and get to know each other. We came from Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, the USA, and the Philippines.

Throughout the Convention, I met some remarkable peacemakers from across the nation. I had so many meaningful interactions participating in the youth discussions and events and was especially excited about the launch of the Global Peace Leadership Corps. I had the opportunity to participate in a roundtable discussion with youth from Malaysia, Cambodia, Korea, and Japan, where we talked about the obstacles of the young generation in our countries and brainstormed solutions together.

The most exciting experience for me was the Gala dinner. People wore gorgeous gowns and traditional dresses from their cultures. Some inspiring people were awarded by the Global Peace Foundation. The awards are given for the legacy of service and peace, outstanding service, the culture of peace award, and many more. This inspired me to do more back home.

Being a peacebuilder is not just someone who changes a big problem, but who lives for a greater good every day in small ways. As a young leader, we could be a role models for our environment. Global Peace Foundation taught me that volunteering is priceless and it’s bringing invaluable rewards. I feel grateful when I can give or do something good for others because their smile makes the world smile. From GPC 2023 I learned that traveling, facing, and sharing with people from across the nations made me realize how amazingly connected we all are.

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