The youth of today play a significant role in achieving peaceful coexistence. As future moral and innovative leaders, they have the power to dream big, collaborate, and take ownership of social issues at a young age, thriving on the strength of their diverse identities. To recognize the engagement of young people in peacebuilding activities and honor their achievements, the Global Peace Foundation (GPF) India hosted a virtual 2023 Youth Peacebuilders Award ceremony on January 20, 2024.
Over 100 people attended the virtual event, including GPF India staff, teachers, NGOs, and Youth Peace Club (YPC) members across India. Ms. Anjali, secretary to the chairman of GPF India, opened the event by welcoming the attendees and thanking the YPC participants for their efforts over the past year. Several GPF India staff, including Executive Director Dr. P. C. Sinha, encouraged the young leaders to continue their peacebuilding activities through various opportunities, such as GPF’s Global Peace Corps. GPF India Chairman and Trustee Dr. Markandey Rai was the chief guest speaker who highlighted the role of youth as global peacebuilders, inspiring the attendees to follow this important path to sustainable peace.
Following the guest speakers, Ms. Poojita Goswami provided an overview of the YPC’s journey in 2023. She discussed the Club’s objectives, including developing moral and innovative leadership by building a service culture among India’s youth.
The following are the individual and group awards that were announced to acknowledge the exceptional work achieved by YPC participants in 2023:
· Best Youth Peace Club 2023 – Mount Abu Public School YPC
· Peacebuilder of the Year 2023 – Divanshu Bhola
· Innovative Club of the Year 2023 – DSC Virangana YPC
· Active Club of the Year 2023 – Birla Institute of Applied Sciences YPC
· Emerging Club of the Year 2023 – SGTB Khalsa YPC
The YPC attendees received the announcement of the awards with enthusiasm. Award winner Vinita Nanda said, “It was an honor to become part of the ceremony and win the Best Youth Peace Club award. We hope to meet your expectations in the future, too.” Expressing his gratitude, Peacebuilder of the Year 2023 Divanshu Bhola commented, “It was a fantastic ceremony. It was such a pleasure to hear from the director, sir, and Dr. Markandey Rai. I am extremely honored and would love to give my best.” A group photograph commemorated the event and showcased the exuberance of the virtual attendees.
Acknowledging their work as peacebuilders, the Youth Peacebuilders Award ceremony encourages the ongoing engagement of youth in activities designed to instill a sense of ownership of social issues. GPF’s YPC initiative brings together India’s youth to gain moral and innovative leadership skills to collectively work to create an environment where diversity is recognized as a strength. Building upon that strength, youth can actively engage in projects to create sustainable peace in their families and communities as they gain the skills to resolve conflicts and become peacebuilders and social entrepreneurs. Support our youth leadership development programs around the world by donating today.