Eighty local leaders from the nonprofit, government and faith sectors attended the Annual Global Peace Foundation Forum in Billings, Montana on October 28 to discuss “The Role of the Family in Developing Moral and Innovative Leadership.”
Drugs, abuse and neglect are devastating the institution of the family in Montana, but through collaboration and the platform to network and share resources, nonprofits, government and faith organizations are working with Global Peace Foundation to come up with long-term solutions.
“Families need to get smart and be proactive,” said Yellowstone County Attorney Scott Twito, “Whatever resources we throw at this problem won’t be enough without strong families, and I tell you this as a steward of the criminal justice system in our community.”
GPF USA President, Alan Inman, called for the education of future leaders with integrity grounded in universal principles. “I think we would all agree that family is central to the life experience of all people,” he said, “The family is the most important social institution, shaping our sense of identity and belonging, and nurturing the next generation.”
Government representatives from the state and local levels shared words from Senators Jon Tester and Steve Daines, Congressman Greg Gianforte, and City of Billings Mayor Tom Hanel.
Directors from the nonprofit sector shared tools for success, including the Center for Children and Families, the Family Tree Center and Community Leadership and Development Inc. Forum attendees had the opportunity to engage in breakout sessions to workshop the tools and content with their peers and listen to personal testimonies from participants in the recovery and support programs provided by the GPF forum partners.
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