25th Global Youth Service Day Encourages Youth and Families to Serve

Global Peace Foundation
April 26, 2013
Global Youth Service Day was established in 1988. It is the largest service event in the world, and the only one that focuses on engaging children and youth.

This year 2,307 projects in 103 countries are recorded on the GYSD website.

Global Youth Service Day 2013 (April 26-28)

It is a great way to bring together non-profits, educational institutions, youth organizations, NGOs, and faith-based organizations to tackle shared concerns of the community.

Service is one of the three pillars of Global Peace Foundation’s activities. GPF affirms that service is the essential building block of peace. Not only does it express care and concern, it can be a transformative experience for those who serve. GPF believes that service should be a way of life, and the best way to pursue the vision of One Family Under God.

Global Youth Service Day is a great way to get children and youth to being their life style of service early. So, join in, in small and large ways.

Find a project, or make your own. It can be as simple as starting to save 1,000 Won a day for a cause, or cleaning your neighborhood park. You can commit your coming summer to a oversea service project, or sign up for a local volunteer league.

How to Serve on Global Youth Service Day

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