Peacebuilding Workshop

This one-day post-Convention training session focused on essential skills to foster dialogue and understanding across divided communities, led by Dr. Leonard Swidler, Founder of the Dialogue Institute; Rebecca Mays, the institute’s Executive Director; and Dr. Jonathan Keir, a Research Fellow at the University of Tübingen’s Weltethos Institute. The workshop explored and applied the groundbreaking insights of Global Ethic Project founder and renowned theologian Hans Küng. Designed for scholars, elected officials, faith leaders and practitioners, students and other peace advocates, the training session provided resources for resolving conflicts, fostering social cohesion, building peace and advancing human development.
“That the need for a global ethic is most urgent is becoming increasingly apparent to all; humankind no longer has the luxury of letting such an ethic slowly and haphazardly grow by itself, as it willy-nilly will gradually happen. It is vital that there be a conscious focusing of energy on such a development. Immediate action is necessary” — Dr. Leonard Swidler, Dialogue Institute, Temple University