Whereas the 2011 Global Peace Convention has been convened in Seoul, Korea on November 28-30, 2011 on the theme “Peacebuilding in East Asia and Reunification of the Korean Peninsula”; and
Whereas international delegates including parliamentarians and senior national officials, scholars, entrepreneurs and leading civil society figures from more than thirty nations have assembled to contribute to the realization of regional and global peace and prosperity; and
Whereas the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia are increasingly critical to peace and stability in the larger Asia region, the Pacific Rim, and the world; and
Whereas the remarkable advances and development in nations across Asia have created an opportunity and expectation that those nations and peoples will exercise greater leadership in conflict resolution and peacebuilding; and
Whereas the complex problems of our time require us to establish common cause to surmount the divisions of nationality, ethnicity, race and religion; and
Whereas our deliberations here lead us to affirm that aspirations, principles and values form the foundation for lasting peace, rooted in the universal vision to create “One Family under God”; we therefore jointly:
ACKNOWLEDGE that humanity’s universal Aspiration for freedom, peace, prosperity and happiness is a worthy guide for all individuals, families, communities, institutions and governments.
AFFIRM that there are immutable Principles and Laws which govern the natural universe and make possible a just, ethical, harmonious and peaceful world.
RECOGNIZE that the affirmation of unchanging Principles establishes the foundation for universally shared Values for all individuals, families, communities, institutions and governments, which in turn can be the basis for a global consensus on ethics and morality.
FURTHER RECOGNIZE that at this time of increasing global integration through technology and commerce, there are also growing forces of social, cultural and religious fragmentation. Therefore it is vitally important to establish universally shared values that both advance our common prosperity and offer common ground for peaceful solutions to conflicts and grievances that divide the human family.
We therefore, as Asian and international delegates from diverse social, religious, political and cultural traditions, jointly proclaim our Resolutions to:
- Article 1 Create the basis for lasting peace as a fundamental condition for development by promoting the universal principles and values that all cultures aspire to as One Family under God.
- Article 2 Promote cross-cultural and interfaith initiatives that foster understanding and social cohesion based on the common spiritual heritage of all people.
- Article 3 Promote mutual endeavors for political and economic cooperation and peacebuilding in Northeast Asia, working to strengthen common purpose and shared values through partnerships with civil society, governments, faith communities and business.
- Article 4 Develop model youth character education programs that strengthen moral and character competencies as essential complements to intellectual development. Share best practices with other nations and the international community.
- Article 5 Strengthen the shared vision of the Asian and Korean communities to enhance peace and security through the establishment of an ongoing multilateral dialogue mechanism that addresses Northeast Asian issues and peacebuilding on the Korean Peninsula. Establish a forum and research institute to provide academic support for such initiatives, working in partnership with government, the business sector, civil society and academia to attain substantive results.
- Article 6 Support educational forums and cultural exchange programs for youth, recognizing that they can become the future leaders in peacebuilding in East Asia and the world.
- Article 7 Promote a vibrant expression of human solidarity through national and regional forums and conferences, as well as cultural programs, sports exchanges, art activities, environmental initiatives, and other creative means of citizen diplomacy. These initiatives can be showcased through signature projects such as the 2012 Global Peace Festival Korea.
- Article 8 Continue the initiative begun at the Global Peace Leadership Conference in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, for cooperative efforts among international parliamentarians and global business leaders to build peace in Northeast Asia and on the Korean Peninsula.
- Article 9 Foster global understanding and support for the universal aspirations of the Korean people, embodied in the “Korean dream” of a peaceful reunified nation as a model which can be shared across Northeast Asia and the world. The unity, liberty and secured rights and aspirations of a unified Korean nation will not only determine Korea’s destiny, but will contribute to the greater peace and security of the world.
We mutually and individually express our commitment to these universal principles for peace and call for further action by governments, parliamentary bodies, international donors and foundations, universities, non-governmental organizations, corporations and other actors of goodwill to advance these objectives, affirmed by our signatures below.
Signed by delegates to the Global Peace Convention in Seoul.