President of Education Without Borders, Ki-Seok Kim, presents “The Case of Korean-Burkina Faso Collaboration”

Global Peace Foundation
October 8, 2015

“The Role of Korea in Sustainable Development”
October 8th, 2015


A Korean NPO named as Educators with Borders (EWB) and its African counter-partner of APENF (Association for the Promotion of Non-Formal Education) led to an internationally harmonized project coined as GAPA (Global Alliance for Poverty Alleviation) since 2007. It symbolizes Korea’s success in its self-transformation to a donor from an aid recipient country. EWB/APENF choose REFECT (Regenerated Freirean Literacy through Empowering Community Techniques) where literacy is a key for development. To prevent newly liberated adult learners to return to illiteracy, a series of agricultural skills development was given for environmental protection, soil fertility, breeding of animals and entrepreneurship.

Literacy centers were opened for 234 learners. The success rate was 90.43% (female 89.38%). Sensitization of the population on malaria and HIV/AIDS prevention was done 1600 people. 725 people underwent HIV/AIDS checking and 5 were declared infected who led to attend health centers and took regularly their pills. 1024 learners (986 females) have received agro-business skills training on varied themes: soap-making, dying, livestock raising, production of Shea Butter and jatropha, transformation of soybean in food, making braids followed by financial management training. Skills development in non-formal education sector was essential for farming, good use of fertilizers, respect of seasonal calendrer etc. 329 newly certified literates with notable skills and entrepreneurship received micro loans. Job-creation training helped learners managed and innovated in opening of an account, filling clearly microcredit tools, use of management book, and calculation of profits. The recipients contributed to household expenses as well health and school fees. House wives gained more consideration and respect from their husbands thanks their earning power. They could now take part in and voice their opinions on some important issues related to their community. The reimbursement rates have been over 95% of the total 52,500 USD for five years. Some women leaders emerged to participate in local political organization and some widows now took care of their families. APENF/EWB won the 2014 UNESCO Award last September.

Invitation of GAPA has been piling up from other countries like Senegal. Kenya, and Ethiopia. They shall test this case in Asian countries like Laos.

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