Mr. Kibaalya William, a CCI committee chairman and Director of the international NGO FX International, discusses CCI as a response to corruption, youth unemployment and poverty in Uganda.
The serious social problems plaguing Uganda, such as crime, unemployment, hunger, drug abuse, poverty and corruption, are complex and call for cross-sector cooperation to create workable solutions. That is what the Character and Creativity Initiative (CCI), the Global Peace Foundation (GPF) Uganda’s signature program, offers. It addresses these pressing issues by using an innovative approach that brings together government agencies, schools, universities and community organizations. CCI focuses on improving the education curricula, fostering academic achievement, improving institutional culture, and connecting schools in a neighborhood to work together for community transformation.
In August 2013, the Uganda National CCI Council met with high-level government officials, religious leaders, school officials and community advocates, at Makerere University in Kampala. for the 4th National Cross Sector CCI meeting. All the participants have identified CCI as a strategic tool to address the challenges of the problems presented.
The meeting was co-chaired by Makerere University Professor Babanga Patrick Feni; Shukla Mukesh, GPF Uganda Chairman and CEO of Shumuk Group Co; and Kibaalya William, CCI Council Partnership and Resource Mobilizations Committee Chairman and Director of a French international NGO, FX International. GPF Uganda country director, Milton Kambula, was also present, playing a key role in organizing the meeting.

Government, leaders, educators, community advocates and faith leaders work collaboratively to develop programs to support youth in Uganda.
The Character and Creativity Initiative has been so effective in Uganda that over 200 Ugandan secondary schools are now asking for the program to be launched in their communities. The government shares the enthusiasm of these local educators. The Ministry Director of Ethics and Integrity identified GPF Uganda as the best government ally in rebuilding Ugandan society. Commissioners of the Ministry of Education are convinced that the CCI program will help students in Uganda better define success and build their futures, through highlighting the need for community involvement and tutoring. The four meetings have been covered by national news organizations, including New Vision, Top Television, UBC TV, to Star TV, as well as several national radio stations.
Makerere University is now slated to integrate CCI into its curricula, making it mandatory for all incoming students to participate. In addition, the National Cross Sector CCI Council will advise Uganda’s national government on socioeconomic policy, with members of Parliament requested to be involved in CCI development. GPF Uganda will also partner with the Greater North Parliamentary Leaders Forum.