GPF Philippines and Partners Support Organic Farming in Rural Communities

“Organic agriculture considers the medium and long-term effect of agricultural intervention in the ecosystem where management of resources—the soil, air, water—and biodiversity is always in accordance with the principles of balance and sustainability, with emphasis on the impact of practices not only on what is visible but also on micro-organisms.” (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)

Globally, the use of antibiotics, pesticides, herbicides, preservatives, growth hormones, and genetically modified animal feeds impacts human and livestock health, endangers fisheries, and threatens biodiversity.

Group photo

Representatives from All-Lights Village Farmers Association, Organic Agriculture, and the Department of Agriculture at the launching of the NEDEX-GPF Philippines partnership.

In the Philippines, organic agriculture has become an alternative for small-scale and under-capitalized farmers. GPF Philippines, in partnership with both government agencies and non-government organizations, is supporting small-scale organic farmers to produce safe, nutritious, and abundant food for their families and communities.

The Covid 19 pandemic has only underscored the importance of good health and sustainable economic opportunities for rural populations. Through its All-Lights Village program in five Municipalities (Bongabon, Gabaldon, Cabiao, Carranglan and Rizal) in the Nueva Ecija province, GPF Philippines is accelerating the conversion of conventional small farms of All-Lights Village Farmers Association to organic food production.


Organic poultry farming in Sitio Dumanas All-Lights Village.

In a planned partnership with the National Empowerment Development Exchange (NEDEX), GPF Philippines is seeking to support marginalized farmers to adopt organic rice farming, vegetable production, and organic livestock.

NEDEX and GPF Philippines will also work with the Department of Agriculture’s National Organic Agricultural Program and the OrganiKonek (Organic Agricultural Hub), which currently provides organic inputs and will expand to support high-value organic crops and livestock.

GPF Philippines is also supporting an ongoing organic mushroom livelihood project in Sitio Tamale All-Lights Village in Nueva Ecija, in partnership with ASEAN Foundation. The project seeks to improve livelihood opportunities and overall quality of life for the families in the community through fostering family self-reliance and resilience and identifying income-generating opportunities.

The program is funded by the Maybank Foundation in collaboration with the local government of Bongabon and the Sitio Tamale All-Lights Association (Tamale Indigenous Cultural Community and Organic Farmers Inc.)

Mushroom farm

Organic mushroom production livelihood project in Sitio Tamale All-Lights Village.

Sitio Tamale was adopted as one of GPF Philippines All-Lights Villages in Nueva Ecija province. GPF Philippines began the All-lights Village project in 2012 to provide solar lights to remote communities with little or no access to electricity. The project has expanded to provide education, job creation, and clean water to uplift the quality of life in impoverished communities.

For more information of community development projects in the Philippines, visit Philippines | Global Peace Foundation.

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