A massive 7.8 earthquake struck Nepal on April 25, destroying homes and infrastructure and toppling ancient temples in the historic capital of Kathmandu. More than 2,300 people have lost their lives from the quake and series of powerful aftershocks, and casualties are expected to significantly rise as a fuller assessment of damage is made. The Global Peace Foundation is deeply saddened by the property destruction and loss of life from the tremblor and extends its deepest condolences to the government and people of Nepal.

Left: Houses and shops leveled in Kathmandu after and earthquake shook the city. Right: Remains of an ancient temple near the center of the city. (Sanjog Manandhar, UPI)
In a statement, GPF President James Flynn urged the international community to commit not only to immediate relief for the disaster-stricken nation, but also to its long-term recovery. “Nepal has a rich cultural heritage and resilient people, and is certainly profoundly impacted by this catastrophe. Now is an important time to demonstrate our concern for all in our human family, by responding quickly with disaster relief, but also by committing our support to the people of Nepal for their long-term recovery.”
“We are actively engaging our international partners and GPF chapters in Nepal and India to determine the most appropriate response and support that can assist in long-term recovery. We join with organizations and individuals around globe in prayers and expressions of solidarity and support for the people of Nepal and South Asia.”
The Global Peace Foundation recently co-convened—in collaboration with the Nepal Ministry of Youth and Sports and United Nations Economic and Social Commission of Asia Pacific—a South Asia forum in Kathmandu on youth participation in volunteer action for peace and development, including disaster response and environmental conservation.
The Asia Pacific Peace and Development Service Alliance, with GPF participation and support, is further engaging follow-up on the ground in Nepal and throughout the region for longer- term recovery efforts, including volunteer training and engagement. DONATE to the Global Peace Foundation to support #RiseNepal volunteer efforts or to other disaster response organizations such as the International Red Crecent Red Cross Foundation.