The vision of a free and unified Korea will not only be a key to solving the nuclear crisis of the peninsula, but it can also be a catalyst for sustainable Northeast Asia regional peace and development. And though a relatively small country in terms of its population, economy and military power, Mongolia is a nation that has long-standing friendly relations with all other countries in the region including both North and South Korea, has successfully and peacefully transitioned to a free democratic state, and has led the UN in creating a ground-breaking nuclear-weapon-free policy which it has modeled with ongoing leadership from Blue Banner. Mongolia can play a key role for ongoing convenings among stakeholders including “six-party talk plus” nations and the broader international community toward positive resolutions for the Korean peninsula and regional challenges.
For this reason, the forum conveners and partners have committed to this annual Mongolia Forum (previously called Ulaanbaatar International Roundtable since 2018) to develop comprehensive strategies for total denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, a free and unified Korea, and sustainable peace and development of Northeast Asia. Though virtual due to COVID restrictions, this 2021 forum will again convene prominent experts, policymakers, journalists, and civil society leaders from the region and the global community to examine the current geopolitical environment, identify new opportunities, and develop sector-specific and comprehensive solutions.
Blue Banner
Global Peace Foundation
One Korea Foundation
Action for Korea United
Mongolian Forum for Korean Unification
Institute of Northeast Asian Security and Strategy
AKU Professors Association
Alliance for Korea United USA
The Asia Institute
International Institute for Peace Through Tourism
Schedule/Watch on Demand
October 26, Tuesday (Mongolia Time)/October 25, Monday (US Eastern Time)
8:00 AM (Mongolia)/PM (US Eastern) Session I: Opening Session
Moderator: H.E. Jargalsaikhan Enksaikhan, Chairman, Blue Banner; Former Mongolian Ambassador to UN
Opening Remarks: Mr. James Flynn, International President, Global Peace Foundation
Opening Remarks: Dr. Jai-poong Ryu, Founder and President, One Korea Foundation
Opening Remarks: Mr. Inteck Seo, Co-Chair, Action for Korea United
Welcome Remarks: Mr. Odbayar Erdenetsogtyn, Foreign Policy Advisor of President of Mongolia
H.E. Ochirbat Punsalmaagiin, Former President of Mongolia
Hon. Tsogtbaatar Damdiny, Member, Parliament of Mongolia; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
H.E. Michael S. Klecheski, U.S. Ambassador to Mongolia (invited)
Congressman GK Butterfield, Member, US House of Representative; Senior Chief Deputy Whip of the House Democratic Caucus
Dr. Joo-sung Kim, Former President, Korea National University of Education
Dr. Lv (Mabel) Miao, Co-Founder and Secretary General, Center for China and Globalization
Hon. Jong-kul Lee, President, Korean Council for Reconciliation and Cooperation; Former 5-Term Member of National Assembly (invited)
Hon. Yoshitake Kimata, President, Mission Connect; Former Member of the House of Councilors, National Diet of Japan (invited)
Hon. Igor S. Ivanov, President of the Russian International Affairs Council; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia; Former Secretary of the RF Security Council (invited)
9:20 AM (Mongolia)/PM (US Eastern) Break
9:35 AM (Mongolia)/PM (US Eastern) Session II: The Post-COVID World: Challenges, Opportunities, and Strategies for Northeast Asian Peaceful Development
Moderator: Yeqing Li, Senior Fellow for Northeast Asia Peace and Development, Global Peace Foundation
Mr. Enkhbayar N., Economist, Mongolia Academy of Sciences; Former Senior Advisor of Prime Minister of Mongolia
Mr. Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute; Former Special Assistant to President Ronald Reagan
Hon. Donald Manzullo, Former U.S. Congressman, Chairman of the House Small Business Committee, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific of the House Foreign Affairs Committee
Dr. Kwang-kyu Nam, Professor, Korea University
Dr. Emanuel Pastreich, Founder and President, The Asia Institute
Dr. Hao Su, Distinguished Professor in the Department of Diplomacy and Founding Director of Center for Strategic and Peace Studies, China Foreign Affairs University
Dr. Elena Boykova, Senior Researcher, Institute of Oriental Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences
Ambassador Dr. Dino Patti Djalal, Founder & President, Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia; Former Indonesian Ambassador to USA and Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Dr. Dr. Junya Nishino, Professor, Faculty of Law and Policies at Keio University (invited)
11:00 AM Adjournment
October 27, Wednesday (Mongolia Time)/October 26, Tuesday (USA Eastern Time)
8:00 AM (Mongolia)/PM (US Eastern) Session III: Envisioning & Advancing a Free and Unified Korea (English translation)
Moderator: Dr. Jai-poong Ryu, Founder and President, One Korea Foundation
Dr. Baasanjav Lkhagva, President, Mongolia Forum on Korea Unification
Dr. Jin Shin, President, Institute for Peace Affairs
Mr. Chong Wang, Distinguished Professor and Executive Director of Center for US Studies, Zhejiang International Studies University; Senior Fellow, Charhar Institute
Mr. Richard Lee, President, Alliance for Korean United USA
David Maxwell, Senior Fellow, Foundation for Defense Democracies (FDD)
Dr Markandey Rai, Senior Advisor, UN-HABITAT
Dr. Vladimir Ivanov, Non-resident Fellow, Stimson Center
Dr. Sachio Nakato, Professor, Ritsumeikan University
9:20 AM (Mongolia)PM (US Eastern) Break
9:35 AM (Mongolia)/PM (US Eastern) Session IV: Northeast Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone (NEA-NWFZ) and Stakeholders’ Roles for North Korea’s Denuclearization: Implications to a Unified Korea
Moderator: David Caprara, Strategic Advisor, Global Peace Foundation
Ambassador Jargalsaikhan Enksaikhan, Chairman, Blue Banner; Former Mongolian Ambassador to UN
Dr. Kyung-young Chung, Adjunct Professor at Graduate School of International Studies, Hanyang University; Policy Advisor for National Security Office, Blue House
Colonel (Retired) Charles T. ‘Chip” Sniffin, Former Policy Maker, Department of Defense, President and CEO, BRight Spot Tours
Dr. John Endicott, Honorary President, Woosong University; Limited Nuclear Weapon Free Zone Co-Founder and Nobel Peace Prize Nominee
Dr. Yoshinori Kaseda, Professor, College of Asia Pacific Studies at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
Dr. Vladimir Sotnikov, Senior Research Associate, Institute of Eastern Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences; Senior Lecturer, People’s Friendship University of Russia (invited)
Dr. Chris McDermott, Research Associate and Manager, Center for International Strategy, Technology, and Policy at Georgia Tech (invited)
11:00 AM Adjournment
October 28 Thursday (Mongolia Time)/October 27, Wednesday (US Eastern Time)
8:00 AM (Mongolia)/PM (US Eastern) Session V: Lessons Learned from the Greater Tumen Initiative: Northeast Asia Economic Integration Toward a Free and Unified Korea (English translation)
Moderator: John Hancock Dickson, Senior Advisor on Economy and Government Relations, Global Peace Foundation
Dr. David Husband, Former Interim Director and Senior Advisor for the Tumen River Area Development Programme, UNDP; Former Senior Advisor, Prime Minister’s Office, Government of Canada
Mr. Nanjin Dorjsuren, Founding Director, Mongolian Institute of Northeast Asian Security and Strategy
Mr. D. Zolboo, Director of Institute of International Affairs, Mongolian Academy of Sciences
Dr. Qsyng Chun, Chairman, Network for the Future Economic Education
Dr. Yuhua An, Professor, Graduate School of China, Sungkyunkwan University
Dr. Soon-jik Hong, Professor, Halla University
Hyun-seung Lee, Fellow on North Korea Studies, Global Peace Foundation
Craig Steffensen, Former Director, North American Representative Office, Asia Development Bank (ret.)
Ms. Shihoko Goto, Deputy Director for Geoeconomics and Senior Associate for Northeast Asia, Asia Program at Wilson Center
Dr. Leonid Petrov, Senior Lecturer, International College of Management in Sydney (ICMS); Visiting Fellow at the College of Asia and the Pacific, the Australian National University (invited)
9:20 AM (Mongolia)/PM (US Eastern) Break
9:35 AM (Mongolia)/PM (US Eastern) Session VI: Youth Leadership in Northeast Asian Peaceful Development
Moderator: Mr Otgonbaatar D,Northeast Asia Researcher, Graduate school of public administration, Yonsei University, ROK
Ms. Nomunsor Soronzonbold, Assistant Director, My Club Mongolia
Mr. Paul Kyu-min Lee, President, Divided Families USA; Senior Program Assistant for Youth Programs, US Institute of Peace
Daehyun Park, CEO, Woorion, NK Escapee
Byeongju Lee, School of Social Welfare (Diplomacy for Korean Unification & Development Cooperation), Soongsil University
Dr. Danning Wang, Research Fellow, Charhar Institute; Professor at the School of International Education, China Women’s University; Founder and Co-chair, Belt and Road Cultural Exchange Foundation for Women
Mr. Zhanjie Zhao, Senior Manager of the Global Young Leaders Dialogue Program, Center for China and Globalization
Mr. Yoshioka Tatsuya, Director, Peace Boat, Japan
Mr. Leonard Faustino, President, Global Peace Youth Philippines
Mr. Nicholas Lee, Secretary General, GPDSA
11:00 AM (Mongolia)/PM (US Eastern) Closing and Press Release on the Forum Outcomes