Global Peace Youth Exchange (GPYE) Bangkok, Thailand 2016

Global Peace Youth Exchange (GPYE) Bangkok, Thailand 2016

The Asia-Pacific region consists of 717 million young people, comprising 60% of the world population of youth. Yet, there are so many negative narratives about young people and their ability always being underestimated. The Global Peace Youth Exchange Program is a transformative program to empower youth to be the agent of peace and sustainable development. The program seeks out active and substantive engagement of young people from diverse backgrounds and supports meaningful participation of young people in decision-making and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals by echoing the Resolution on Youth, Peace and Security through the inclusion of youth in peace-building efforts.  The Program highlights: SDGs Forum on Youth Empowerment at UNESCAP Leadership Learning on Peacebuilding Customized Culture Expedition Local Immersion Service Learning  Community Youth Leadership Development Program Programme Itinerary:Day 1: Arrival & Welcome DinnerDay 2: SDGs Youth Empowerment Forum at United Nations Convention CentreDay 3: Leadership on Peace-Building facilitation learning program in UniversityDay 4: Local Immersion Service Learning at one of the last Green Zone and intact Eco-System nearby Bangkok a.k.a  Ocean WarDay 5: Customized Cultural Expedition for the treasure historical and heritage site in the Urban City of Bangkok.  Expected participants: Youth from diverse background those keen on volunteering service, social development, peacebuilding, and collaboration. Age range between 18-30 year […]

The Asia-Pacific region consists of 717 million young people, comprising 60% of the world population of youth. Yet, there are so many negative narratives about young people and their ability always being underestimated.

The Global Peace Youth Exchange Program is a transformative program to empower youth to be the agent of peace and sustainable development. The program seeks out active and substantive engagement of young people from diverse backgrounds and supports meaningful participation of young people in decision-making and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals by echoing the Resolution on Youth, Peace and Security through the inclusion of youth in peace-building efforts. 

The Program highlights:

  • SDGs Forum on Youth Empowerment at UNESCAP
  • Leadership Learning on Peacebuilding
  • Customized Culture Expedition
  • Local Immersion Service Learning 
  • Community Youth Leadership Development Program

Programme Itinerary:
Day 1: Arrival & Welcome Dinner
Day 2: SDGs Youth Empowerment Forum at United Nations Convention Centre
Day 3: Leadership on Peace-Building facilitation learning program in University
Day 4: Local Immersion Service Learning at one of the last Green Zone and intact Eco-System nearby Bangkok a.k.a  Ocean War
Day 5: Customized Cultural Expedition for the treasure historical and heritage site in the Urban City of Bangkok.

Expected participants:

Youth from diverse background those keen on volunteering service, social development, peacebuilding, and collaboration. Age range between 18-30 year old. 

Tuition: $1000 
*Tuition covers processing fees, meals, accommodation, domestic transportation, and all activities and events.  

For more information, Contact Nicholas Lee via  [email protected] or +66959175229

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