The Global Peace Foundation uplifts the rich heritage of faiths, which are seen not as obstacles to peace, but a fundamental source of reconciliation and peace- building. Here, we would like to mention the noble names of Dr. Albert Schweitzer, Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and Mother Teresa, who made a great contribution to the cause of justice, equity and fair play. Throughout the Ages, the spiritual leaders have been the source of peace and hope and they helped in creating spiritual atmosphere for social cohesion.
All Spiritual Scriptures advocate “living for the greater good” of mankind. There is a need for creative collaboration and multi-sector partnerships to overcome poverty, inequality, hunger, disease, ignorance and illiteracy. When human aspirations are expressed in universal principles and shared values, we can bring about fundamental changes in our societies and the whole world.
It is on a common platform that the spirituals leaders and scholars of all faiths can speak with one voice against religious fundamentalism and extremism.
The power of a united family can quell any turmoil in the world. To this end, the Global Peace Foundation – India, the Interfaith Foundation India and IASE University are hosting this two- day Global Peace Leadership Conference at Habitat Center in New Delhi-India during the 9-10 of December 2014.