Celebrating International Day of Peace Around the World

Global Peace Foundation (GPF) chapters around the world celebrated the 2020 International Day of Peace online to commemorate this year’s theme: Shaping our Future Together.

GPF India shared their message on Facebook:


Youth in India also shared a video message to celebrate International Day of Peace:

LEAM global peace foundation.

LEAM students perform for online Day of Peace program in Brazil.

GPF Brazil’s LEAM music school joined dozens of other organizations to celebrate the International Day of Peace in a music-filled program streamed online. Throughout the years, the LEAM project has formed bands, chorales, drumlines, and more, involving local teachers, community leaders, students, and their families in creating music, creating moral and innovative leaders, and creating a sense of community as one human family.

Watch the International Day of Peace Program in Brazil for yourself on Facebook HERE.

GPF Mongolia shared their own video on Facebook to commemorate the 2020 International Day of Peace:

Youth in Nepal shared the Sustainable Development Goals they were passionate about in commemoration of International Day of Peace in a Facebook video:

“Peace comes from being able to contribute the best that we have, and all that we are, toward creating a world that supports everyone. But it is also securing the space for others to contribute the best that they have and all that they are.” —Hafsat Abiola

GPF Kenya contributed words of encouragement for our global community to come together in our times of need, especially during such the challenging year 2020 has presented:

GPF Nigeria also shared a message on Facebook:

GPF Indonesia added their voice on Facebook as well:

Spreading a rallying call for shaping peace together, GPF Tanzania inspired us with this video on Facebook:

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