Congressman Nelson Marquezelli (right) presents the Congress of Brazil’s Plaque of Honor to GPFF founder and Chairman Dr. Hyun Jin Moon, received on his behalf by GPFF International President Youngjun Kim. Below: the Chamber of Congress Solemn Session was broadcast internationally by four televsion stations.
BRASILIA October 21, 2011—The Chamber of Congress of the Federative Republic of Brazil held a solemn session to honor the work of the Global Peace Festival Foundation (GPFF) on October 21, 2011, in Brasilia, the capital city and heart of Brazil. The event was televised live on four national channels, which are also broadcast to approximately 150 nations. Among the distinguished participants were five former Latin American Presidents, from Panama, Ecuador, Guatemala, Uruguay and Paraguay, as well as other national and international dignitaries.
In his address to the Chamber of Congress, Congressman Nelson Marquezelli congratulated the Global Peace Festival Foundation and its Chairman, Dr. Hyun Jin Moon, for providing a vision that “advocates the importance of various religions and cultures to create peaceful and lasting ties based on . . . universal principles.”
Congressman Marquezelli mentioned several national level projects, such as tax reform and construction of dams to harness clean hydroelectric power, being carried out by President Dilma Rousseff’s government to “narrow the gap between social classes.” He also discussed government efforts to provide a more integrated and secure environment for immigrants arriving in Brazil from neighboring countries.

Former Uruguayan President Luis Alberto Lacalle (top) and Brazilian Congressman Nelson Marquezelli (below) credited GPFF’s work in Latin America.
In his address, former Uruguayan President Luis Alberto Lacalle expressed the need for a common vision throughout Latin America that can lead to integration, and praised the vision of One Family under God as an innovative and profound way to go beyond racial, religious and ethnic barriers in the twenty-first century.
The Vice-Governor of Goiania, Jose Eliton Figueiredo Jr., representing the Governor of the state Marconi Perillo, outlined the many activities that GPFF has been carrying out in Brazil. He spoke particularly of the hope he sees in the activities of GPConnect!, notably the work with young social entrepreneurs, and of the need for the government to support future activities. The Vice-Governor also announced to the Congress that Goiania would be holding a Global Peace Festival in 2012.
Republic of Paraguay Senator and President of the ANR (Colorado) Party Lilian Samaniego testified about the positive impact Dr. Hyun Jin Moon’s work has had in Paraguay in areas of character education and social service. She said that GPFF is inspiring leaders from all sectors of society to work together for a better Paraguay and spoke of the transformative effect GPFF is having upon youth.
One key element of the work of GPFF in Paraguay, she said, was the creation of a think-tank (Instituto de Desarrollo del Pensamiento—Patria Soñada, or IDPPS). IDPPS is a gathering of top scholars and experts from different sectors and political parties who have as a common goal the development of the nation and region. Their aim is the creation of a blueprint, or roadmap, that will endure changes of governments and stay true to its goals by recognizing fundamental human rights based on universal principles, values and aspirations.

Paraguayan Senator Lilian Samaniego (left) and Assemblies of God Chairman Bishop Manoel Ferreira (right) address the Chamber of Congress.
Bishop Manoel Ferreira of the Assemblies of God Church saluted the international dignitaries and expressed his sincere appreciation for the work of GPFF, which is bringing positive results in several nations around the world. Inspired by the vision of One Family under God, the bishop has been working closely with Dr. Moon and GPFF in the process of overcoming religious barriers. Bishop Ferreira hosted a Global Peace Festival in Brasilia the following day, October 22, 2011.
Speaking on behalf of GPFF, international President Young Jun Kim said, “I am extremely grateful and honored by the confidence you have placed in [Dr. Hyun Jin Moon] by virtue of this recognition. This award is not intended primarily to honor a personality, but it symbolizes great moral and innovative leadership. In a very real sense we are gathered here today to celebrate and reaffirm our commitment to the noble cause of building true peace and prosperity. GPFF shall stand the test of time and continue to serve as a model for creating real change for lasting peace on earth.”
The solemn session ended with the offering of a “Plaque of Honor” from the Chamber of Congress of the Federal Republic of Brazil, given by Congressman Nelson Marquezelli, to Dr. Hyun Jin Moon, founder of the Global Peace Festival Foundation. On behalf of Dr. Moon, International President Youngjun Kim received the plaque.
***The Global Peace Festival Foundation was renamed Global Peace Foundation in November, 2012