Webinar on COVID-19 Prevention and Peace For East Africa and South-SE Asia

Eric Olsen
April 10, 2020

More than eighty people from around the world joined the online GPDSA Webinar on COVID-19 Prevention and Peace For East Africa and South-SE Asia on April 1, 2020. Convened by the Global Peace and Development Service Alliance (GPDSA), the webinar was hosted by Global Peace Foundation (GPF), Building Bridges Coalition, and the International Volunteer Programs Association.

This international online forum brought together medical experts, executives of non-profits, and faith leaders to show solidarity for our global human family and share best practices in combating the global pandemic brought on by COVID-19.

Watch the full livestream here.


Moderator, Nicholas Lee, Secretary General, Asia-Pacific Peace and Development Service Alliance, Thailand

Dr. Markandey Rai, President, Global Peace and Development Service Alliance, India

Siddharth Chatterjee, UN Resident Coordinator in Kenya

Dr. Charles E. Haley, MD, MS, FACP, Consulting Epidemiologist, Formerly with CDC

WASH/Hygiene-Village Hand Washing Models

Rwanda: Liz Fanning, Founder, Corps Africa

Uganda: Dr. Ed O’Neil, Omnimed

Malaysia: Dr. Teh Su Thye, CEO, GPF Malaysia

Yoga for Peace and Health/Immunity Buildup

Swamini Adityananda Saraswai, Global Interfaith WASH Alliance, Parmarth Niketan, India

Question and Answer / Inputs – Facilitated by Linda Stuart, Building Bridges Coalition

Concluding Remarks:

Melissa Golloday, Chair, Building Bridges Coalition

James Flynn, International President, Global Peace Foundation

Prayers for Health and Peace

Amma’s Global Prayer from India, Linda Caprara Gabby, Song of Morning Yoga Ranch, MI

The Lord’s Prayer, Father Canice Enyiaka, Nigerian Catholic Priest, Interfaith Outreach, GPF

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