Langata High School Receives First Computers

Dr. Jun Sook Moon, wife of Dr. Hyun Jin Moon led a delegation to provide five computers and printers to Langata High School.

Teresia Mutegi, principal of Langata High School  was delighted to receive five computers, with software already loaded, plus a printer, from an international women’s delegation led by Dr. Jun Sook Moon, wife of Dr. Hyun Jin Moon, and co-founder of the Global Peace Foundation (GPF).

These are the first computers the school has ever had. Cisco’s learning lab is contributing the networking and technical support for the computers.

GPF has been working closely with Langata High School during the past year in developing a character competencies program. This is a curriculum developed by GPF to help students to become responsible individuals and public-spirited citizens.

Langata is one of five lead pilot schools that are testing the program, which is being introduced in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Brand Kenya. Nine Langata teachers were trained in the curriculum last August and have been using it in the school since then.

Principal Mutegi said that the impact of the program extended beyond the classes to affect the culture of the whole school. Relations among students had improved and there were none of the usual behavioral problems at exam time this year.

The teachers meet once a month to discuss how to improve the curriculum. They also consult with a committee of parents, students, coaches, and community leaders. The program is now being extended to 25 ‘emerging pilot’ schools.

Dr. Moon met with a group of 12 teachers and 250 students, about a third of the student body even though it was a vacation day. She walked among the students and asked several students individually, “Tell me what your dream is?” One girl replied that she wanted to be Kenya’s first woman president.

Principal Mutegi encouraged all the student to come in their school uniforms tomorrow, Saturday 20 November, to Nyayo Stadium for the Global Peace Festival. The Festival will feature displays of traditional culture as well as peace messages from PM Raila Odinga, patron of the Festival and Dr. Moon. Popular artists will also be performing for peace, notably Emmy Kosgey, Daddy Owen, Juliani, and Nameless.

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