Global Peace Foundation Confers 2017 Global Peace Awards at Gala Celebration

Global Peace Foundation
March 1, 2017
Global Peace Awards

Global Peace Awards

The Global Peace Foundation conferred awards to leaders in wide-ranging areas of impact who have significantly promoted peace, advanced models good governance, fostered an ethic of public service, and demonstrated a willingness to transcend boundaries of religion, ethnicity, and nationality in advancing the ideal of One Family under God.

The awards were presented on March 1 at a gala banquet at the Marriott Hotel and Conference Center in Manila on Day 2 of the 2017 Global Peace Convention, “Moral and Innovative Leadership: New Models for Peace and Development.” Leaders from more than 40 nations are participating in sessions on Interfaith Peacebuilding, Korean Unification, Transforming Education, Youth Leadership and Service, the Role of Business in Peacebuilding and Women’s Leadership Culture.

Chairman Hyun Jin Moon Speaks

Chairman Dr. Hyun Jin P. Moon speaks

In a congratulatory message, GPF Chairman Dr. Hyun Jin Moon explained that the awards were established because to realize the dream of One Family under God “you need to have models, individuals who embody those ideals in their respective fields. So from the beginning the awards gala was set to highlight individual achievement and that reflect the values we are talking about at this Convention.” Conferring these awards he said entailed a responsibility to set a precedent of living for others and building a global family within their respective fields.

 Interfaith Leadership Award  

Sheikh Khidir Maraya Abdullahi and Reverend John Joseph Hayab, recipients of the Global Peace Award for Interfaith Leadership with their families and H.E. Hajiya Namadi Amina Sambo.

Sheikh Khidir Maraya Abdullahi, Islamic Cleric, One Family under God Campaign, Kaduna State, Nigeria; Reverend John Joseph Hayab, Secretary General, Christian Association of Kaduna, One Family under God Campaign, Kaduna State, Nigeria

Presented by Dr. Robert A. Schuller, Author, Evangelist and Co-Chair of the Coalition for American Renewal, USA

Rev. John Joseph Hayab and Sheikh Abdullahi Marya are Christian and Muslim clerics from Kaduna State, Nigeria who are working to build bridges of tolerance, understanding and respect across religious divides in one of the most volatile conflict regions in the world.  Affectionately known as the “twins of Kaduna” for their close personal relationship, Rev. Hayab and Sheikh Marya have served as principal facilitators in forums and workshops throughout Kaduna State as leaders of GPF Nigeria’s “One Family under God” campaign.

Reverend Hayab is the Secretary General for the Christian Association of Nigeria’s Kaduna state office and CEO of the Christian Awareness Initiative of Nigeria. He is formerly Special Adviser to the Governor of Kaduna state on Religious Matters.  Sheikh Maraya is a teacher and prominent imam heard on television and radio, and formerly the Special Adviser on Islamic and Hajj Matters to two Executive Governors of Kaduna State in Nigeria, the late Sir Patrick Yakowa and Alhaji Mukhtar Ramalan Yero.

By modeling spiritual leadership beyond sectarian identity, the twins of Kaduna have measurably advanced peace and inspired Christians and Muslims in Nigeria and around the world to affirm fundamental shared values.

Leadership in Strengthening Families Award

Leadership in Strengthening Families Awardee Dr. Nona S. Ricafort, and her extended family and friends.

Dr. Nona S. Ricafort, International Advisory Council, Global Peace Women

Presented by Dr. Eva Latham, President, Human Rights Teaching International, the Netherlands

Dr. Nona S. Ricafort is a distinguished educator and women’s advocate who has long promoted empowerment of women in the Philippines and Southeast Asian region. She has served as President of Asian Confederation of Women, Vice President of the International Council of Women, and Vice President of the International Federation of Business and Professional Women.

She has also served in key leadership positions with the National Council of Women of the Philippines and Philippine Federation of Business and Professional Women. She was appointed Deputy Minister of the Philippine Commission on Women under President Ramos and is currently Chairwoman of Global Peace Women Philippines.

As Chairperson of the Governing Board of 56 state universities and colleges, Former Commissioner of Higher Education in the Philippines, and Asia-Pacific UNESCO Education Director, Dr. Ricafort has consistently worked to integrate spiritual principles and affirmation of the family within education policy.

Outstanding Service Award

Dr. Markandey Rai, Global Leadership Council, GPF presents the Outstanding Service Award to Dr. Marco E. Roncarati and his wife.

Dr. Marco E. Roncarati, Co-Chairman, Asia-Pacific Peace and Development Service Alliance, Social Affairs Officer, Social Development Division, United Nations ESCAP, Bangkok, Thailand

Presented by Dr. Markandey Rai, Global Leadership Council, GPF

Dr. Marco E. Roncarati is Social Affairs Officer at the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) in Bangkok, Thailand.  ESCAP works to support, protect and empower all population groups, with a particular focus on the needs of women, youth, the disabled, elderly and migrants. As the most comprehensive regional intergovernmental forum in Asia-Pacific, ESCAP supports nations and civil societies in strengthening sustainable development and advancing the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

In October 2014, ESCAP, in collaboration with UNESCO, the Global Peace Foundation and the Global Young Leaders Academy, launched the Asia-Pacific Peace and Development Service Alliance at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok.  As co-chair of APPDSA, Dr. Roncarti has championed and empowered young people across the Asia-Pacific committed to serving their communities through volunteerism. Following the tragic 2015 earthquake that struck Nepal, Dr. Roncarati, GPF and APPDSA supported a 2,000 volunteer youth mobilization, Rise Nepal, to provide emergency relief to 3,000 victims and their families.

Innovative Scholarship for Peace Award

Hon. Hwa-Gahp Hahn presents Edwin J. Feulner, Ph.D., Founder, The Heritage Foundation, with the Innovative Scholarship for Peace Award.

Edwin J. Feulner, Ph.D., Founder, The Heritage Foundation, Washington, DC

Presented by Hon. Hwa-Gahp Hahn, Statesman, Former President of the Democratic Party, Republic of Korea

Edwin J. Feulner, Ph.D., is the Founder, Chairman of the Asian Studies Center, and Chung Ju-yung Fellow at the Heritage Foundation, one of the nation’s leading research and public policy institutions located in Washington, DC.

Dr. Feulner was awarded the Gwanghwa Medal, Order of Diplomatic Service by the President and National Assembly of Korea, and the Presidential Citizen Award, the second-highest civilian award in the United States, conferred by President Ronald Reagan. He has received honors from the governments of South Korea, among others.

He is the author of eight books, with a concentration in East Asian affairs and a contributor to numerous journals and magazines. An expert on Korea, Dr. Feulner has spoken on many topics such as the “Role of Civil Society and Global Cooperation in Furthering a Unified Korea,” and at a GPF forum at the U.S.-Korea Institute at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, “The Power of Freedom in Addressing the Divided Human Family: Empowering the Voice of North Korean Defectors.”

Good Governance Award

Good Governance Awardee H.E. Nicolás Ardito Barletta , Ph.D, Former President, Panama and Global Peace Leadership Council member H.E. Vinicio Cerezo

H.E. Nicolás Ardito Barletta Vallarino, Former President of Panama

Presented by H.E. Marco Vinicio Cerezo, Former President of the Republic of Guatemala, Chairman, GPF Latin American Presidential Mission

H.E. Nicolás Ardito Barletta served as President of Panama from 1984 to 1985, the first democratically elected president after 16 years of military rule. During his presidency he emphasized the reestablishment of democracy, moral and innovative economic development, and transparent and efficient government.

The former president has had a distinguished career holding many prestigious positions, including Vice President of the World Bank for Latin America and the Caribbean, Minister of Planning and Economic Policy, co-founder of the Panamanian Banking Center, founder of the Latin American Export Bank, CEO of the Interoceanic Region Authority, Minister of Finance and Treasury, and Director of the Department of Economic Affairs of the Organization of American States.

In 2012 President Ardito joined nine other former heads of state for the launching of the Latin American Presidential Mission during the GPF’s annual Convention in Atlanta, USA. The gathering addressed key issues related to greater cooperation and integration between the Americas.

Philanthropy and Corporate Citizenship Award

Diane Melley, Vice President, Global Citizenship Initiatives in IBM recives the Philanthropy and Corporate Citizenship Award from Mr. Corey Arnez Griffin, Global Government and Industry Partners, LLC.

Ms. Diane Melley, Vice President, Global Citizenship Initiatives, IBM Corporate Citizenship and Corporate Affairs

Presenteed by Mr. Corey Arnez Griffin, Global Government and Industry Partners, LLC

Diane Melley is Vice President of Global Citizenship Initiatives in IBM Corporate Citizenship and Corporate Affairs. Ms. Melley has leadership responsibility over the IBM Impact Grants  portfolio globally, which includes support for not-for-profits, schools and government organizations.  She led the IBM Centennial Celebration of Service which engaged more than 300,000 volunteers in 120 countries and IBM’s On Demand Community, the corporation’s global strategic initiative to support employee and retiree volunteer efforts worldwide. She leads IBM’s Business Integration team where Corporate Citizenship assets are integrated with IBM’s business strategies in Public Sector, Education and the Small Medium Business industry segments, and is also the leader of IBM’s Corporate Social Responsibility and Humanitarian Disaster Response efforts worldwide.

Ms. Melley is a 2001 Eisenhower Fellow to Belgium and Ireland and is past chair of the Eisenhower Alumni Regional Fellows Group. She serves on the boards of the Points of Light, Philadelphia Education Fund (current chairperson), Chamber of Commerce/Arts and Business Council, and Conference Board’s Corporate Contribution Council.

Promoting a Culture of Peace Award

Cultural Peace Awardee: Keiko Kobayashi

Promoting a Culture of Peace Awardee Keiko Kobayashi and members of NPO JUN AI World Peace Foundation.

Ms. Keiko Kobayashi, Chair, NPO JUN AI World Peace Foundation; JUN AI Executive Producer and lead actress

Presented by Mrs. Donna Schuller, Co-Founder of Living Seminars

Ms. Keiko Kobayashi is Chair of the NPO JUN AI World Peace Foundation and executive producer, script writer, and lead actress of the Japan-China collaborative film “JUN AI.” In 1999 in Japan Ms. Kobayashi initiated the JUN AI Project based on a vision for peace beyond nationality, religion and culture. She produced the “JUN AI” film as a social art project for 8 years and has conducted film screenings and exchange programs for 10 years in Japan and in other countries.  The screening is in four languages with subtitles in English, Chinese, Korean and Japanese which has enabled international exchanges beyond the limitation of language. JUN AI received 8 awards in international film festivals such as Best Producer Award of Monaco International Film Festival (2007) and Best Feature Film Award of Sedona International Film Festival in USA (2012). She also founded Hope Elementary School (2004) and JUN AI Kindergarten (2008) in Taishan, Shandong, China.

Her sincere and unchanging spirit with unconditional love has awakened hearts of many people with whom she has created a human bond around the world through the film and other meaningful service.

2017 Global Peace Awardees and presentors.

The Global Peace Foundation and supporting partners and hosts of the 2017 Global Peace Convention warmly congratulate this year’s award winners for their service for others and commitment to advance a world of peace and prosperity for all.

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