Alliance for Korea United Hosts Virtual Commemoration of March 1st Samil Independence Movement

Global Peace Foundation and Alliance for Korea United—USA collaborated to host an online event commemorating the anniversary of the March 1st (Samil) Movement that began in 1919.

The virtual convening featured experts in multiple cities highlighting significant museums and historic sites that chronicle the unique Korean American pioneering efforts in support of Korea’s independence movement within the United States and globally.

The Republic of Korea and its people have a longstanding and deep relationship with the United States of America. The nations have ties not only in the well-known Korean War, but also formed extensive connections even as far back as the late 19th century when missionaries shared Christian ideals and American founding principles to Korean leaders such as Syngman Rhee and Philip Jaisohn.

Following the pivotal launch of the Korean Independence Movement on March 1, 1919, Koreans in America gathered in Philadelphia (April 1919) to proclaim their Declaration of Independence and to connect their efforts to America’s founding moment. In subsequent years, activists in the United States for the Korean independence movement carried out a remarkable public awareness campaign building support for the Korean cause among the American people.

Today the US-ROK partnership remains a vital backbone for peace and security in northeast Asia and is critically important for addressing the current challenges on the Korean peninsula. Korean Americans, with deep roots on both sides of the Pacific Ocean, are uniquely qualified to contribute to the support and strengthening of this essential partnership.

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