Problem: Education is not Relevant to the Twenty-First Century Economy and World
As a result, approximately 300 million youth globally are looking for work, which negatively affects global economies and political stability. According to employers, a leading cause of youth unemployment is the disconnect between what young people are learning in schools, and the competencies they need to be engaged citizens and successful employees and entrepreneurs.
Our education systems have instead overemphasized grade point averages and standardized test scores, at the expense raising the complete child by providing a meaningful and productive school experience that prepares them for success after graduation. Exclusively valuing students based on the acquisition of knowledge leads to disruptive behavior and disillusionment, and youth leave the education system lacking a sense of purpose, motivation, and confidence to be productive members of society. This intensifies social issues such as corruption, violence, political instability, and income inequality that interfere with the development of a productive economy and political stability.
Solution: Transform Education so that it is Relevant in Today’s World
We work with educators and changemakers around the world, at the grassroots, national, and global levels, to ensure that students graduate ready to succeed in all aspects of life and in the twenty-first century economy.
Beginning with a deep understanding of what youth need to succeed, teachers and principals are engaged to envision new possibilities in their traditional roles and take the initiative to lead the transformation. They do this by challenging the status quo, modeling the change they want to see and engaging others in bringing our initiatives to their schools, with the goal to empower students with the values and competencies needed to be successful in today’s world.
Our country teams work at the grassroots and national levels with individual schools and communities, as well as Ministries of Education and other key changemakers to implement signature initiatives such as the Character and Creativity Initiative and Leap Hubs. Our international team works at the global level, connecting educators through local, regional and global events and online. The result is a vibrant and active community of engaged individuals and stakeholders who are passionate about transforming education.
Through events, social media, advocacy and networking Global Peace Education, a division of Global Peace Foundation, is creating a global conversation on the need to transform education.
Impact: An Improved School Experience Leads to Success in All Aspects of Life
With a positive, relevant and productive experience at school, students graduate better prepared for the twenty-first century world and economy. As innovative and ethical leaders they possess the competencies necessary to be successful in all aspects of life including a fulfilling personal and family life, a satisfying employment experience and responsible role as a citizen in the community. More employed, engaged, and ethical citizens will in turn contribute to real peace.
To read more visit the Global Peace Education Division.