#UniteforMH370 Brings Malaysians Together

April 14, 2014

On March 8th, 2013 the world was shocked and heartbroken with the news of Malaysia Airlines flight 370’s disappearance. Without warning, 227 passengers, 15 crew members vanished, leaving families and authorities with more questions than answers.

But there has been a silver lining to the tragedy – it has brought Malaysians together. On March 18th,#UniteforMH370, an interfaith vigil in Kuala Lumpur hosted by Malaysian R&B artist Reshmonu and Global Peace Festival-Malaysia gathered spiritual leaders and members of communities from Malaysia’s religiously and ethnically diverse population at The Curve, an outdoor shopping mall in Kuala Lumpur.

“For one night,” Reshmonu told reporters, “we forget our divisions and stand united for… faith, compassion and love.” People came to express their solidarity with well-wishes and prayers for the passengers aboard MH370 and their families. Participant Nurul Arfarina Nasir said, “Because of this tragedy, we stand as one and respect one another’s religion.”

Prior to the event, Jim Flynn, International President of the Global Peace Foundation issued a statement expressing a poignant truth. “The present tragedy reminds us of our essential connectedness as our hearts go out to the families that have suffered such a loss.” Despite the differences that separate us – in moments of need we respond as one human family.

This truth is apparent in the actions of the international community. Current search efforts have grown to include 26 nations. Messages of support and encouragement have come from around the world during this prolonged search period.

Dr. Teh Su Thye of GPF Malaysia said, “We want to let the world know that we share the sorrows and fears of those affected as we stand together as one family.”

** As of April 1st, the search for MH370 continues.

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