The following is an unofficial translation of an article by Kang Yu-mi for the Tongil Shinmun.
100 people from 31 countries including the US and the Philippines participate to raise awareness of the international importance of unification of the Korean Peninsula.
South and North Korean and international MZ youths have stepped up to realize a free and peaceful unified Korean Peninsula.
From the 24th to the 30th of last month, North Korean defectors living in South Korea and the United States discussed North Korean policy with officials from the White House, the State Department, and other U.S. government and civilians.
Then, from August 9th to 17th, MZ youth from 31 countries will participate in the ‘Global Peace Youth Summer Camp,’ a global youth network supporting the free and peaceful unification of the Korean Peninsula, held at Yonsei University in Seoul and the DMZ.
The ‘Global Peace Youth Summer Camp‘ was planned to build a global network of young people around the world who support the free and peaceful unification of the Korean Peninsula and to raise awareness of the international importance of unification.
This summer camp will be attended by approximately 100 young people from 31 countries , including South Korea , the United States, Indonesia , the Philippines, and Mongolia.
The camp’s main contents include historical and cultural tours, a mock UN, camping cinema, festivals, and a visit to the Goseong DMZ.
The programs are designed to allow global youth to experience Korean history and culture and gain a deeper understanding of the importance of peaceful unification of the Korean Peninsula.
The Global Peace Youth Summer Camp is co-hosted by GPY Korea and Korean Dream Crew, both private youth organizations under the Ministry of Unification, and sponsored by the Ministry of Unification, People for Unification, and the Korean Peninsula Youth Future Forum.