Dr. Eriaku Peter Emmanuel

Dr. Eriaku Peter Emmanuel

Dr. Eriaku Peter Emmanuel is the Honorable Member of Parliament for Kapelebyong sub-county, one of the areas badly hit by the LRA in the Teso region. He supports the Village Enterprise effort, noting, “Village Enterprise intervention in relation to victims of the LRA conflict is spot-on in filling the gaps left by the Government Peace, Recovery & Development Programme (PRDP) and the Northern Uganda Social Action Fund (NUSAF). These two programmes [are not] addressing the pertinent issue of household income… Without avenues for generation of household income, LRA-affected families shall neither be able to provide scholastic materials, school uniforms, and lunch packs required… nor will they be able to access the cost-shared medical treatment in Government Health Centres. Interventions by Village Enterprise are therefore a step in the right direction towards plugging Government programming gaps in the post-LRA communities in Northern Uganda.”