| Part 1 | Part 2 |

National prosperity means measurable and sustainable social and economic development for its citizens and their communities, yet failing to advance equitable development while trying to impose a façade of equality has led to
despotism. All people have rights from birth to equal opportunities to progress individually through innate talents and personal effort, to prosper and to offer their contributions to their nation. This session will explore whether an authentic prosperity can exist if certain sectors of society remain marginalized from socioeconomic advances, and how benefits can be shared to achieve unity and social mobility.

Moderator: Dr. Ernesto Talvi Director, Brookings Global-CERES Economic and Social Policy in Latin America Initiative

  • H.E. Marco Vinicio Cerezo Arévalo Former President of Guatemala
  • H.E. Raúl Cubas Grau Former President of Paraguay
  • H.E. Jaime Paz Zamora Former President of Bolivia
  • H.E. Rafael Hipólito Mejía Domínguez Former President of The
  • Dominican Republic
  • H.E. Laura Chinchilla Former President of Costa Rica
  • H.E. Martín Erasto Torrijos Former President of Panama