| Part I | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |  Part 5 | Part 6  | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9

Today’s education systems are not relevant to the twenty-first century economy and world. As a result, approximately 300 million youth globally are looking for work, which negatively affects global economies and political stability. Employers are citing a disconnection between what young people are learning in schools, and the competencies they need to be successful employees, entrepreneurs and engaged citizens. This intensifies social issues such as corruption, violence, political instability, and income inequality. This session will address how we can transform the education experience so that our youth are better prepared for today’s economy and the world when they graduate.


Moderator: Dr. Tony Devine Vice President, Education Division, Global Peace Foundation

  • H.E. Rafael Calderon Former President of Costa Rica
  • Prof. Danillo Alarcon Professor, Pontifical Catholic University, Brazil
  • Mr. Rodrigo Reis Founding Director, Instituto Global Attitude
  • Hon. Rafael Nieto Former Vice Minister of Justice, Colombia
  • Mr. Robert Cano Executive Director, Together for Education
  • (Juntos por la Educación), Paraguay
  • H.E. Jorge Luis Batlle Former President of Uruguay