Mr. James P. Flynn
Mr. James Flynn, then GPF International Vice President, current President, presents the GPF Peace Education Module content to NSTP educators and implementers from more than 125 institutions in the Philippines. More than 245 National Service Training Program (NSTP) facilitators, directors and educators concluded the “National Training for NSTP Trainers on the Implementation of Common Modules” by adapting GPF’s proposed Peace Education Module among higher education institutions, colleges and universities in the Philippines, as their final output.
The GPF Peace Education Module was formally adopted by Dr. Florida Labuguen, President of the Philippine Society of NSTP Educators and Implementers, Inc. (PSNEI) , on June 2, 2011 at the Conference Hall of University of the East-Manila. PSNEI is the organization responsible for the implementation of the National Service Training Program, which includes Peace Education as one of its eight dimensions.
“We are, therefore, adapting the Peace Module content created by GPF,” Dr. Labuguen announced to educators, after workshop leaders handed their written strategies and expected outputs to Mr. James Flynn, GPF-International Vice President and also the Resource Speaker of the event.

Peace Education Module
NSTP educators and implementers review the Peace Module content during the workshop.Prior to the conclusion, eduators listened attentively as Mr. Flynn discussed the contents of the proposed Peace Module, which is composed of three principal themes: Our Common Identity: Conflict Resolution and Peace-building; Human Rights are Endowed to the People; and, A Culture of Peace Through Service. The module also includes interactive exercises and discussion questions which Filipino youth, specifically college students, can study, comprehend and practice.
Through the acknowledgement of PSNEI, GPF’s Peace Education Module will be adapted and utilized for the Peace Education curricula beginning in the first semester of Academic Year 2011-2012, by more than 100 colleges and universities in the Philippines.
“Mr. Flynn’s presentation of the Peace Education Module content is very timely. Ever since, PSNEI has been working on a 25-hour common set of modules towards a more effective and efficient implementation of NSTP,” Dr. Carlo John Vidal, Secretary of PSNEI, told GPF-Philippines in an interview.