Married couples participated in an interactive workshop highlighting effective communication and healthy relationships in Nepal, a component of the International Peace Begins in the Home campaign hosted by the women’s division of Global Peace Foundation (GPF). The sessions were held on December 28, 2017 under the theme, “Family as Peacebuilders: Strengthening Families for Peace.”

Interactive sessions build communication in GPF family workshop
Eleven couples, some with their children, participated in games emphasizing the importance of understanding the differences between husband and wife and learning effective communication. The workshop provided a theoretical basis of understanding in couple relationships and interplay of individuals within the family, presenting participants with a practical framework for its application.
The Peace Begins in the Home Campaign recognizes the distinct and complementary qualities of men and women as leaders in creating healthy families that can contribute to the greater community. Family workshops like this one are an imperative part of imparting best practices and creating a healthy atmosphere for couples and children to reflect on and practice wholesome habits in their families, which are the foundation for healthy societies.

Couples discuss the challenges and joys of family relationships
Bambie Panta, a representative of GPF Nepal and Couple Counselor, facilitated exercises on the languages of love, encouraging couples to reflect on their goals first before pointing fingers at each other. “Many couples get mad at each other for their misbehavior without even considering why they are opting to behave in a certain way,” said Ms. Panta. “Having conflict sometimes is quite normal and healthy to some extent but one should really seek help if it has turned into a routine.”
Another workshop facilitator, Susmit Sunuwar, divulged several practical techniques for conflict resolution and communication between couples. One participant and husband, Nabin Shrestha shared, “My wife and I are glad to be part of this program as it has helped us to learn how to strengthen our bond and measures we can take to minimize problems for a better relationship. I never thought prioritizing or even considering my partner’s small needs could make such a difference in one’s life.”

Workshop participants show “I Believe Peace Begins in the Home”
Learn more about the Peace Begins in the Home International Campaign.
Visit Glocal Khabar for more on the Family as Peacebuilders workshop.