GPF Coalition Provides Emergency Relief for Korean Schools in Japan
The Global Peace Foundation Korea (GPF Korea), Global Peace Youth Corps Korea, and the International Peace Sports Federation combined efforts to provide emergency lighting for Korean schools in Japan that have lost power due to the March 10 earthquake and tsunami. The AllLights Village Project, a funding drive organized in Seoul and Busan, collected money to purchase and send portable solar lanterns to disaster victims.
“We had been preparing this campaign for other developing nations with limited access to electricity,” said Yoo Kyung-eui, the president of GPF Korea, “but we changed our priority after hearing that Korean residents in Japan are not receiving sufficient aid from the Japanese government. We hope that many people will join our campaign.”
Victims of the disaster gathered in a Korean school in Sendai for shelter, surviving without gas or electricity, and living off of rice and noodles by candlelight. The lanterns will be sent primarily to the Korean residents in Japan, and also to other Japanese victims. The Korean corporation House Tech Co., Ltd said it will support the campaign by offering 60 percent discounts for lanterns purchased with funds collected from donations.
Although some Japanese companies have been distributing the lanterns, much more is needed. The names of donors who contributed 20,000 won or more are engraved on the lanterns.
The project in Seoul won the support of well-known comedian Heo Gyeong Hwan, who said he “was particularly concerned for our countrymen who are enduring the blackout. I joined this event because I heard about the solar lanterns, which could help our countrymen in Japan relieve fear.”
To support the All-Lights Project in Japan as well as other developing nations, visit