Esteemed leaders, friends, and peace-loving family members, I’m very happy to be here today in this beautiful country, the Republic of the Philippines. It is an honor to join the Global Peace Convention 2017 together with you.
素晴らしい指導者の皆様、友人、そして平和を愛する家族のような皆様、この美しいフィリピン;マニラにおいて、Global Peace W Convention 2017 る家族のような皆様、この美しい韓国ソウルにおいて皆さまと共にいることをとても光栄に思い、喜びに感じています。
I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to GPW Chairwoman, Dr. JunSook Moon, GPW Philippines President, Dr. Nona Ricafort, and GPW International Secretary General Dr. Soonok Kang for successfully organizing this Convention.
I knew already from my childhood the purpose of my being born. When I was 12 years old, I set my heart on sharing a message of peace with others through film, and that became my dream. I decided that I would show the film around the world, and then help many children make their dreams through building schools and kindergartens. My big dream has brought me to this stage.
Now the earth and human race are facing our biggest turning point. I would like to show one picture. In 1968, people were able to see the planet for the first time through this picture.
We can be the first generation who will be united as one under the inspiring phrase: “Global Peace.”
I believe that is most important for. In order to realize world peace, we need to understand each other and overcomechallenges.
We recognize that the awakening of global consciousness is strongly influencing technology in human societies. Technologies dealing with materials, information and media have rapidly developed so that all people of the world can connect. We need to utilize this power to create world peace.
Film, this is a means to overcoming language barriers.
And whether it takes one-hundred years or until the end of our lives, the film JUN AI is to be shown in every country, in every language. Overcoming language, nationality, race, faith, and all other differences, we will continue to make like-minded friends and create bonds that will spread out endlessly.
We ourselves have visited and met with people in Japan, China, Monaco, UK, USA, Korea and Indonesia, not just showing the film, but creating partnerships that have generated other opportunities for screening as well as education for children.
In fact, we were able to establish an elementary school and a kindergarten in China. Especially in Japan, USA and Indonesia, we have had valuable screenings and exchanges with junior high and high school students as well as university students as part of their education programs.
実際、中国では小学校と幼稚園を開設することができました。 また(特に)、日本、米国、インドネシアでは、教育プログラムの一環として、中学生、高校生、大学生との間で貴重な上映や交流を行っています。
We call this development the Social Art Film Movement. We have been utilizing film screening and exchange programs for our movement. Through the screening, many people share in common excitement together. And through the exchange program, we can create new opportunities for future screening and exchange for other people. Through the programs, we are able to meet many new people.
Therefore, the vision for our activities has been expressed as “One Film Creates One Bond”, which means that one film can create “One human Bond on Earth.”
We at the JUN AI World Peace Foundation believe that “One Bond on Earth” is the blueprint for the co-creation of world peace. We can be the first generation in human history to create a bond like family or friendship beyond any differences.
This is also the blueprint for raising women leadership. While men have strength to create new structures within a short time, women have a different strength to create lasting human bonds through spending time with others. Women leadership can be developed by raising a new generation of peacebuilders.
We will continue the JUN AI World Tour in many countries around the world. Please kindly invite JUN AI to your countries and communities.
We would also like to release the next film, “JUN AI the Future” by the time of the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo.Compared to “JUN AI”’s story about the past, “JUN AI the Future” will describe a story about the present and the future. We will project an ideal vison of one bond being created on earth. The 2 stories, “JUN AI” and “JUN AI the Future”, are connected as one story. Our social art film project will reach completion with the 2 films.
We would also like to release the next film, “JUN AI the Future” 東京でオリンピック、パラリンピックが開催される2020年までに. Compared to “JUN AI”’s story about the past, “JUN AI the Future” will describe a story about the present and the future. We will project an ideal vison that one bond being created on earth. 純愛と純愛未来編は2つで1つの物語であり、これでour Social Art Filmは完成します。
I still remember one question from a BBC interview in 2007 after we received 5 film awards from the Monaco international film festival. I was asked if I believe that one film can possibly change the world. “Yes, I do. ” was My answer.
At this moment, I would like you to see a of the JUN AI film.
- 2分30秒)上映
I acted as the Japanese female lead “Ai”.She just speaks few words, cooks food, nurtures her children and lives with her villagers. She is a typical home maker. However, her unchanging mind and unconditional love starts moving the hearts of the people, and step by step, she creates a miracle in the village decades later. The film shows that one woman can change the world.
The world is being covered by tears and fears. People are facing no end to wars, conflicts and resentments between neighboring countries.
However, we believe that infinite potential hat is awaiting our awakening. This power will enable us to change the destiny of all humankind.
If that happens, will be a revolution of trust. The most critical reason people continue wars and conflicts is that we don’t know each other and don’t trust each other.
Imagine many people sharing the same dream and becoming like family, friends and comrades after meeting them. We just have not started working together yet.
なっていくことを。私たちはまだ共に(出会うための)行いをはじめていないだけなのです。それが事実です。(※ だからその事実に気づいて、はじめれば変えていけるという意味が含まれている)
The title of the film is Japanese,“JUN”is “Purity””AI”is “Love”.
“JUN AI” means “True Love” and “Unconditional Love”.
JUN AI is like “a lighthouse in the dark”. JUN AI was created to guide us in the right direction amidst the dark storm.
- 純愛は嵐の暗闇の中で私たちに正しい方向を示してくれます。
One of the reasons that we are here today is that we wanted to share the message that through film, you can make a difference in the world. We would like to work together as a partner with all of you who love peace, who love people, and who love the planet.
Therefore, I would like to express my request to all of you to please come and see the film JUN-AI today.
I know that we gathered here due to our common vision.
For the future of the children, may there be peace on earth.
One World, One Love, One Family under God.
Thank you very much.
The above is a prepared presentation for the Global Peace Convention 2017. Changes in actual delivery may not be reflected.