Hon. Lilian Samaniego, Senator of the Republic of Paraguay speaks on Good Governance at Global Peace Convention 2013

Global Peace Foundation
December 6, 2013
Global Peace Convention
December 5-8, 2013
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Theme: “Unity in Diversity: Building Social Cohesion for Sustainable Peace through Universal Aspirations, Principles, and Values”Hon. Lilian Samaniego, Senator of the Republic of Paraguay


FULL TRANSCRIPT: I was told that I should share with you some comments on moral and innovative leadership this afternoon. I would like to share with you that I think the world is going through a process of transformation and is looking for and building a new kind of leadership. If in the past we could build leadership based on authoritarianism or the power of money, today I believe that we must build leadership through the conviction of respect towards others.

We need to respect one another through deep understanding even when we think differently from one another and have deep differences. That’s why the theme of this 5th Global Peace Convention here in Malaysia today, “Unity in Diversity” can only be achieved by respecting others. In Paraguay we strongly identify with the theme of “Unity in Diversity” as we work together to search for a better life for our communities.

We also consider it necessary to transform our nation from a standard of basic education to value based education. We must work towards value based education, focused on the development of youth of the present, as they are the future of our nations, and value based education which will strengthen the culture for peace. We must establish innovative leadership as a tool to establish a peace that is built from dialogue, from understanding and from respect.

In the 21st century we cannot go without recognizing that God made us as Man and Women, We’re not looking to stir up gender controversy but the key role of women in the 21st century, worldwide, is becoming a reality that we cannot avoid or deny. For example, many years ago we could not have even imagined that a woman could become the president of a nation. But today, we see this as the reality in many countries. Women, we women, from our perspective are seeking to send a message of tolerance and respect to society starting from our families. That’s why it’s very important for all to work together, men and women.

As all of this morning’s speakers did, I would like to recognize the great feeling loss that we are experiencing with the passing of Nelson Mandela. With a round of applause, we would like to recognize his legacy and the fact that he was able to show leadership based on moral authority and practical efforts. In Paraguay, we are living in a historic moment looking for progress for all the Paraguayan families. Each one of the delegates from the region of Paraguay that are here today, we understand and are inspired and greatly determined by the message given by Dr. Moon. Since a couple of years ago, he has given a strong message to the youth of Paraguay, with a testimony of this vision of being able to build one family under God.

If we understand that peace is the instrument that can transform our communities and bring development to them, without regards to religious differences, race, or political ideologies, if we are convinced of that, the world will have better days ahead. We also recognize the role of technology as an instrument in seeking out this innovative leadership.

That’s why networking and social networking play a key and very important role allowing us to be in constant contact. We truly believe that the instruments that are needed to bring about the message of ‘One Family under God’ are things such as transparency, respect for our institutions, respect for the laws, looking and seeking through tolerance and respect for our brother, other human beings around us.

The Pope is also a figure that has built leadership based on moral authority, we have seen that in the past few days. That’s why once more I would like to appreciate and thank you very much for this opportunity to share with you. I wish you happy holidays, merry Christmas and it is my hope that when you leave this place and share with your families the opportunity to share this vision and this feeling of building peace where you are. Thank you very much.

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