GPF Tanzania Promotes “Our Peace, Our Life” with Community Peacebuilding Program

On January 16-17, the Global Peace Foundation, in partnership with the Tanzania Building Future Organization, implemented the “Amani Yetu; Uhai Wetu,” project, which means “Our Peace, Our Life.” The capacity-building program engaged a total of nearly 600 people and directly trained 24 locally-appointed community leaders in practical peacebuilding skills.

The Amni Yetu; Uhai Wetu Project aims to empower community peacebuilders from Nanguruwe Ward and Msimbati Ward to become “key peacebuilders” to actively work towards positive social change. The project recruited local community peacebuilders and focused on interfaith cooperation, an important factor in preventing radical extremist violence.

The training involved direct group discussions, presentations, illustrations, and case studies. These were very useful in improving the participants’ understanding of the topics covered. In particular, the focused group discussions provided participants with the platform to discuss various social and political issues. This then also gave them the chance to discuss possible solutions and ideas for addressing them in concrete ways. This was useful in providing participants with the opportunity to empower one another, build or renew relationships and discuss critical issues plaguing their communities.

Mr. Said Baisha, the Village Chairperson expressed appreciation for the program, noting, “Thanks GPF Tanzania and TABUFO for reaching to our village of Namayakata Shuleni. We truly appreciate this effort and we believe it is going to be impactful including helping to reduce community conflicts that we normally experience.”

Significantly, participants felt empowered to share what they learned with others around them. Lightness Richard, a student participant also shared, “Thanks to [the] organizers, I have learned a lot [about] peacebuilding and [the] prevention of violent extremism. I will educate my fellow students and family on how we can all together build a peaceful community.”

Global Peace Foundation Tanzania, in collaboration with local partners, plans to reach out to schools to open peace clubs as well as more capacity-building workshops for local leaders.

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