GPF Nigeria Tasks Government and Religious Leaders to Collaborate for Peace

Global Peace Foundation
July 29, 2024
The following is an excerpt from an article by Ibrahim Hassan-Wuyo forĀ Vanguard. Global Peace Foundation Nigeria partnered with the Provincial Secretariat of Church and Society for a one-day roundtable to discuss peacebuilding in Kaduna State.

The Global Peace Foundation of Nigeria (GPF Nigeria) has sought for proper coordination with other NGOs, faith based organizations, government agencies and other stakeholders in entrenching the culture of peace and harmonious coexistence among the diverse people in all parts of Kaduna State.

The Country Director, GPF Nigeria, Rev. John Joseph Hayab who spoke at a One-Day round table meeting on Security and Development of Kaduna State, said that through proper coordination and synergy, they would be more organized to come together and share responsibilities among themselves, and not stay in one location advocating for peace when other communities needed such.

According to Rev.Hayab, “we are calling on NGOs to come together as a team and share responsibilities. Like 10 or 20 NGOs coming together and you say this group should take care of Area A, another group should take care of Area B, C, Z and so on, then we are working.”

“But sometimes because of lack of proper coordination we all go to one place and be talking in one place and then other places are on fire and nobody is there. So we are looking forward to that kind of understanding. If it works, it will help solve this problem so that 10 NGOs will not be in one place whereas there are other places that need attention.”

“If we can organize ourselves in different place and doing the same thing then you see same results coming out of various communities and there is a change of attitude where people begin to see each other as brothers, members of one family and we go on to have a peaceful and prosperous Kaduna and Nigeria also begin to enjoy because when there is crisis in Kaduna, Nigeria too will not be at peace.”

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