Global Peace Foundation Tanzania, National Government, and UN Tanzania Office Commemorate International Day of Peace

UN Sustainable Development Goals Cited as Building Blocks for Peace

Hon. Peter Msigwa, Member of Parliament for Iringa Town constituency, emphasized the importance of peacekeeping.

More than 500 Tanzanian leaders and youth commemorated International Day of Peace on September 21 in a program organized by United Nations Tanzania in collaboration with the government of Tanzania, Youth of United Nations and Global Peace Foundation Tanzania. Meeting in Dodoma, the nation’s capital, participants convened on the program theme “Building Blocks for Peace Eradicate Corruption, Maintain Peace.”

Hon. Jordan Rugimbana, the Regional Commissioner of Dodoma and guest of honor, opened the program by thanking organizers, expressing appreciation to the United Nations for the program theme that he said can bring further progress and development after 52 years of independence. “It’s our responsibility to make sure that peace continues in our country,” he said. He also credited the engagement of young people in government, the role of the courts and particularly thanked Tanzanian President John Magufuli for their agressive efforts to counter corruption and embrace good governance for the future of the country.

Above: Participants hold signs representing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Below: Some 500 leaders and students gathered for the commemorative event.

Other dignitaries attending included Deputy Minister for Youth and Parliament member Hon. Antony Mavunde, United Nations Development Programme Governance Practice Specialist Mr. Godfrey Mulissa, additional members of Parliament, diverse religious leaders, representatives from Tanzania anti-corruption coalition, youths and students, and representatives from the supporting organizations.

Mr. Mulissa reminded the leaders that every year on the International Day of Peace the United Nations calls on the warring parties to lay down their weapons and comply with international ceasefire for 24 hours. The presence of the day without fighting is an important reminder that the conflict can and must reach an end, he said.

“Peace it’s more than putting aside weapons, it is about building the international community where people live without poverty and share in society’s benefits; and it is also about growing together and helping each other as a family,” said Mr. Mulissa.

Enthusiastic youth are necessary for a hopeful future in Tanzania.

The 2016 International Day of Peace theme focuses on the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a roadmap for peace. Conflict often starts when people fight for scarcity resources. The SDG agenda is a means to preemptively avoid such kinds of conflict and make sure no one is left behind, Mulissa added.

In closing remarks, Ms. Stella Vuzo, Information Officer for United Nations Information Center, quoted UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon, saying, “Every single one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals is a building block in the global architecture of Peace, It is critical that we mobilize means of implementation, including financial resources, technology development and transfer, and capacity-building, as well as the role of partnerships. Everyone has a stake and everyone has a contribution to make.”

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