Global Economics News Covers “One Dream One Korea” Event

Global Peace Foundation
August 16, 2015

The One Dream One Korea campaign is backed by multiple organizations including the Ministry of Unification and the Presidential committee for reunification preparation committee for the 70th anniversary of liberation. The campaign is reaching out for broad-based support for Korean reunification as the two Koreas celebrate 70 years since their independence.

On the eve of August 14, at the Capitol Hill Canon Caucus Room the host committee, which included Congressman Mike Honda and committee co-chairmen One Korea Foundation founder Dr. Jai Ryu and John Dickson, held an evening event bringing brought together various stakeholders and supporters of Korean reunification.

At the ceremony and the next day at the Lincoln Memorial, K-pop singers Na YoonKwon and Yangpa performed a duet of a new unification song led by Kim Hyung-suk, the song’s composer.

The large-scale Washington DC event reached out for popular support for Korean reunification.

Other events supporting the 1Dream1Korea campaign were held in Seoul and 20 other locals, including Tokyo’s Hibiya Park.

Read the story in Korean on Global Economic News:


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