Family Track: GPLC Africa 2024

Global Peace Foundation
June 28, 2024

Familial Relationships, Roles and Leadership

In Africa, as around the world, the family, nuclear and extended, is a fundamental building block of communities and nations– from the basic nurture, health, and care of every child and individual to the first school of character and virtues that form the foundations of ethical, vibrant societies. It is where basic relationship skills are learned that enable people to connect across differences and the hub of economic activity that can improve the quality of life and innovate for the future. With key stakeholders, this track will address challenges like livelihood, peace and security and explore ways to protect, strengthen, and engage the family as an essential contributor to peace and development.

The Family Track was part of the Global Peace Leadership Conference Africa 2024 which was convened in Nairobi, Kenya, June 25-27, under the theme One Family under God: Empowering African Renaissance as a Global Catalyst for Freedom, Peace, and Sustainable Development.

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