Families and Women in Peacebuilding

Supporting the central role of families and women in peacebuilding

Families form the foundation for peace in communities and among nations and are a fundamental building block of society. Peace begins in the home. Strengthening families is an essential part of GPF’s peacebuilding work.

The family is an intimate part of the human experience, the primary place of care, nurture, and learning, the first school of love where foundational lessons of values, relationships, and character are learned. The lessons learned in the family form crucial foundations of moral and innovative leadership that can extend to the community, society, and world. GPF’s peacebuilding work highlights the family imperative in peace and development, advancing efforts to protect, strengthen, and engage the family as agents of peacebuilding.

Women play an essential role in fostering peace in the family, which extends to the communities and the world. GPF supports a global network of women, providing training, mentorship, and convenings and programs that advance, recognize, cultivate, and engage the unique leadership qualities of women in the peacebuilding process on all levels, from the home to the world.

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Families and Women in Peacebuilding

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